Bildgebende Spektroskopie an Pflanzenblättern

TitleBildgebende Spektroskopie an Pflanzenblättern
Publication TypePhD Thesis
Year of Publication2003
AuthorsSmolyar, N
UniversityInstitut für Umweltphysik, Fakultät für Physik und Astronomie, Univ.\ Heidelberg

In this work, new methods of image spectroscopy were developed that were used for studying spectral characteristics and spatial distribution of water and chlorophyll in plant leaves. Two image spectrometers for VIS and NIR areas using CCD cameras were built: a prismatic CCD spectrometer for receiving imagespectra with spectral and spatial coordinate; a multispectral CCD image spectrometer for investigation of spectral images for discrete wavelengths using a set of bandpass filters. In comparison with serial spectrometers, the developed image spectrometer has better characteristics. A innovative method for the processing of the spectral images was developed, allowing the analysis of a spectral images sequence and spectra of separate structural elements of inhomogeneous objects. The influence of multiple light scattering on optical characteristics of plant leaves was investigated. A method to determine the true value of absorption was developed considering the interaction of multiple light scattering and absorption. Separated spectra for plant leaves tissue and vein were investigated. A spectral technique to find detailed distribution of water and chlorophyll in leaves were developed. For the first time a profile images of water distribution on plant leaves were obtained. Four water states during physiological processes was shown and analyzed. The developed methods of image spectroscopy have a general character and can be used for studying non-uniform mirco- and macroobjects.

Citation Keysmolyar2003