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Masters Thesis
Rath, R (1992). Amplitudenmessung Von Wasseroberflächenwellen Mittels Digitaler Bildanalyse. Institut für Umweltphysik, Fakultät für Physik und Astronomie, Univ.\ Heidelberg
Voss, B (2008). Alignment And Retention Time Correction Of Lc-Ms Data In Proteomics. University of Heidelberg
Hanslovsky, P (2013). Advanced Cell Tacking-By-Assignment. University of Heidelberg
Hüsken, (2010). Active And Online Learning For Interactive Image Analysis. University of Heidelberg
Klar, M (2001). 3D Particle-Tracking Velocimetry Applied To Turbulent Open-Channel Flow Over A Gravel Layer. IWR, Fakultät für Physik und Astronomie, Univ.\ Heidelberg
Horn, A (2011). IWR, Fakultät für Physik und Astronomie, Univ.\ Heidelberg
Kimmich, D (2011). IWR, Fakultät für Physik und Astronomie, Univ.\ Heidelberg
Journal Article
Jähne, (2008). Zukunftsperspektiven der industriellen Bildverarbeitung - Was kann die akademische Forschung beitragen?. Optik & Photonik. 3 28-33
Horvát, E - A, Hanselmann, M, Hamprecht, F A and Zweig, K A (2012). You Are Who Knows You: Predicting Links Between Non-Members of Facebook. European Conference on Complex Systems. Proceedings. 3 309-315PDF icon Technical Report (1.92 MB)
Jähne, (1999). When the invisible becomes visible. German research, Magazine of the German Research Foundation (DFG). 30--33
Renard, B Y, Kirchner, M, Monigatti, F, Ivanov, A R, Rappsilber, J, Winter, D, Steen, J A J, Hamprecht, F A and Steen, H (2009). When Less Can Yield More - Computational Preprocessing of MS/MS Spectra for Peptide Identification Preprocessing. Proteomics. 9 4978-4984PDF icon Technical Report (901.78 KB)
Márquez-Valle, P, Gil, D, Hernàndez-Sabaté, A and Kondermann, D (2013). When is a confidence measure good enough?. submitted to CVPR 2013
Meister, S, Izadi, S, Kohli, P and M Hämmerle, M \ (2012). When can we use KinectFusion for ground truth acquisition?. Proc Workshop on \ldots. 3–8.
Jähne, B, Köhler, H - J, Rath, R and Wierzimok, D (1993). Wellenamplitudenmessungen mittels videometrischer Bildverarbeitung. Mitteilungsblatt der Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau. 70 27--62
Jäger, M, Knoll, C and Hamprecht, F A (2008). Weakly Supervised Learning of a Classifier for Unusual Event Detection. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing. 17 1700-1708PDF icon Technical Report (295.32 KB)
Kiefhaber, D, Caulliez, G, Zappa, C J, Schaper, J and Jähne, B (2015). Water wave measurement from stereo images of specular reflections. 26 115401
Hamprecht, F A and Jähne, B (2004). Vom Bild zur Information. Ruperto Carola -- Forschungsmagazin der Universität Heidelberg. 03.2004 9-12
Garrido, Q, Damrich, S, Jäger, A, Cerletti, D, Claassen, M, Najman, L and Hamprecht, F A (2022). Visualizing hierarchies in scRNA-seq data using a density tree-biased autoencoder. Bioinformatics. arXiv preprint. 38 (Suppl 1) i316-i324
Pfannmöller, M, Flügge, H, Benner, G, Wacker, I, Sommer, C, Hanselmann, M, Schmale, S, Schmidt, H, Hamprecht, F A, Rabe, T, Kowalsky, W and Schröder, R (2011). Visualizing a homogeneous blend in bulk heterojunction polymer solar cells by analytical electron microscopy. Nano Letters. 11 3099-3107
Gianniotis, N and Tiño, P (2009). Visualization of Structured Data via Generative Probabilistic Modeling. Pattern Recognition. Springer. 5400 118-137
Kleesiek, J, Petersen, J, Döring, M, Maier-Hein, K, Köthe, U, Wick, W, Hamprecht, F A, Bendszus, M and Biller, A (2016). Virtual Raters for Reproducible and Objective Assessments in Radiology. Nature Scientific Reports. 6PDF icon Technical Report (2.81 MB)
Becker, F, Lenzen, F, Kappes, J H and Schnörr, C (2013). Variational Recursive Joint Estimation of Dense Scene Structure and Camera Motion from Monocular High Speed Traffic Sequences. International Journal of Computer Vision. Springer US. 105 269–297.
Becker, F, Lenzen, F, Kappes, J H and Schnörr, C (2013). Variational Recursive Joint Estimation of Dense Scene Structure and Camera Motion from Monocular High Speed Traffic Sequences. International Journal of Computer Vision. 105 (3) 269-297
Becker, F, Lenzen, F, Kappes, J H and Schnörr, C (2013). Variational Recursive Joint Estimation of Dense Scene Structure and Camera Motion from Monocular High Speed Traffic Sequences. International Journal of Computer Vision. Springer US. 105 269--297. icon Technical Report (15.4 MB)
Ruhnau, P, Kohlberger, T, Nobach, H and Schnörr, C (2005). Variational Optical Flow Estimation for Particle Image Velocimetry. Experiments in Fluids. 38 21--32PDF icon Technical Report (1.21 MB)
Ruhnau, P, Kohlberger, T, Nobach, H and Schnörr, C (2005). Variational Optical Flow Estimation for Particle Image Velocimetry. Experiments in Fluids. 38 21–32
Weickert, J and Schnörr, C (2001). Variational Optic Flow Computation with a Spatio-Temporal Smoothness Constraint. J. Math. Imaging and Vision. 14 245–255
Bruhn, A, Weickert, J, Feddern, C, Kohlberger, T and Schnörr, C (2005). Variational optic flow computation in real-time. IEEE Trans. Image Proc. 14 608–615
Wanner, S and Goldlücke, B (2014). Variational light field analysis for disparity estimation and super-resolution. IEEE Trans. Pattern Analysis Machine Intelligence. 36 606--619
Heitz, D, Mémin, E and Schnörr, C (2010). Variational fluid flow measurements from image sequences: synopsis and perspectives. Exp. Fluids. 48 369-393
Heitz, D, Mémin, E and Schnörr, C (2010). Variational fluid flow measurements from image sequences: synopsis and perspectives. Exp.~Fluids. 48 369-393PDF icon Technical Report (1.91 MB)
Ruhnau, P, Stahl, A and Schnörr, C (2007). Variational Estimation of Experimental Fluid Flows with Physics-Based Spatio-Temporal Regularization. Measurement Science and Technology. 18 755-763PDF icon Technical Report (842.06 KB)
Ruhnau, P, Stahl, A and Schnörr, C (2007). Variational Estimation of Experimental Fluid Flows with Physics-Based Spatio-Temporal Regularization. Measurement Science and Technology. 18 755-763
Schnörr, C, Sprengel, R and Neumann, B (1996). A Variational Approach to the Design of Early Vision Algorithms. Computing Suppl. 11 149-165
Ruhnau, P, Gütter, C, Putze, T and Schnörr, C (2005). A variational approach for particle tracking velocimetry. Meas. Science and Techn. 16 1449-1458
