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Andres, B, Kondermann, C, Kondermann, D, Köthe, U, Hamprecht, F A and Garbe, C S (2008). On errors-in-variables regression with arbitrary covariance and its application to optical flow estimation. Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2008. CVPR 2008. IEEE Conference on. 1-6PDF icon Technical Report (1.58 MB)
Köthe, (2008). Reliable Low-Level Image Analysis. Habilitation thesis. Department Informatik, University of Hamburg, HamburgPDF icon Technical Report (12.44 MB)
Andres, B, Köthe, U, Helmstaedter, M, Denk, W and Hamprecht, F A (2008). Segmentation of SBFSEM Volume Data of Neural Tissue by Hierarchical Classification. Pattern Recognition. 30th DAGM Symposium Munich, Germany, June 10-13, 2008. Proceedings. Springer. 5096 142-152PDF icon Technical Report (1.21 MB)
Meine, H, Köthe, U and Stelldinger, P (2008). A Topological Sampling Theorem for Robust Boundary Reconstruction and Image Segmentation. Discrete Applied Mathematics. 157 524-541
Köthe, (2008). What Can We Learn from Discrete Images about the Continuous World. Discrete Geometry for Computer Imagery. Springer. 4992 4-19
Bähnisch, C, Stelldinger, P and Köthe, U (2009). Fast and Accurate 3D Edge Detection for Surface Reconstruction. Pattern Recognition. Springer. 5748 111-120
Hanselmann, M, Köthe, U, Renard, B Y, Kirchner, M, Heeren, R M A and Hamprecht, F A (2009). Multivariate Watershed Segmentation of Compositional Data. Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Discrete Geometry for Computer Imagery (DGCI), in press. Springer. 5810 180-192PDF icon Technical Report (1.25 MB)
Meine, H, Köthe, U and Stelldinger, P (2009). Pixel Approximation Errors in Common Watershed Algorithms. Discrete Geometry for Computer Imagery. Springer. 5810 193-202
Meine, H, Köthe, U and Stelldinger, P (2009). Pixel Approximation Errors in Common Watershed Algorithms. Discrete Geometry for Computer Imagery. Springer. 5810 193-202PDF icon Technical Report (6.5 MB)
Andres, B, Köthe, U, Bonea, A, Nadler, B and Hamprecht, F A (2009). Quantitative Assessment of Image Segmentation Quality by Random Walk Relaxation Times. Pattern Recognition. 31st DAGM Symposium, Jena, Germany, September 9-11, 2009. Proceedings. Springer. 5748 502-511PDF icon Technical Report (3.08 MB)
Frank, M, Plaue, M, Rapp, H, Köthe, U, Jähne, B and Hamprecht, F A (2009). Theoretical and experimental error analysis of continuous-wave time-of-flight range cameras. Opt. Eng. 48 013602
Frank, M, Plaue, M, Rapp, H, Köthe, U, Jähne, B and Hamprecht, F A (2009). Theoretical and Experimental Error Analysis of Continuous-Wave Time-Of-Flight Range Cameras. Optical Engineering. 48, 013602PDF icon Technical Report (2.03 MB)
Hanselmann, M, Köthe, U, Kirchner, M, Renard, B Y, Amstalden, E R, Glunde, K, Heeren, R M A and Hamprecht, F A (2009). Towards Digital Staining using Imaging Mass Spectrometry and Random Forests. Journal of Proteome Research. 8 3558-3567PDF icon Technical Report (1.47 MB)
Kirchner, M, Renard, B Y, Köthe, U, Pappin, D J, Hamprecht, F A, Steen, J A J and Steen, H (2010). Computational Protein Profile Similarity Screening for Quantitative Mass Spectrometry Experiments. Bioinformatics. 26 (1) 77-83PDF icon Technical Report (380.19 KB)
Lou, X, Kirchner, M, Renard, B Y, Köthe, U, Graf, C, Lee, C, Steen, J A J, Steen, H, Mayer, M P and Hamprecht, F A (2010). Deuteration Distribution Estimation with Improved Sequence Coverage for HX/MS Experiments. Bioinformatics. 26(12) 1535-1541PDF icon Technical Report (518.01 KB)
Andres, B, Kappes, J H, Köthe, U, Schnörr, C and Hamprecht, F A (2010). An Empirical Comparison of Inference Algorithms for Graphical Models with Higher Order Factors Using OpenGM. Pattern Recognition, Proc.~32th DAGM Symposium. 353-362
Andres, B, Kappes, J H, Köthe, U, Schnörr, C and Hamprecht, F A (2010). An Empirical Comparison of Inference Algorithms for Graphical Models with Higher Order Factors Using OpenGM. Pattern Recognition, Proc.~32th DAGM SymposiumPDF icon Technical Report (218.43 KB)
Köthe, U, Andres, B, Kröger, T and Hamprecht, F A (2010). Geometric Analysis of 3D Electron Microscopy Data. Proceedings of Workshop on Discrete Geometry and Mathematical Morphology (WADGMM). 22-26PDF icon Technical Report (1.43 MB)
Köthe, U, Andres, B, Kröger, T and Hamprecht, F A (2010). Geometric Analysis of 3D Electron Microscopy Data. Proceedings of Workshop on Discrete Geometry and Mathematical Morphology (WADGMM). 22-26PDF icon Technical Report (1.43 MB)
Andres, B, Köthe, U, Kröger, T and Hamprecht, F A (2010). How to Extract the Geometry and Topology from Very Large 3D Segmentations. ArXiv e-prints. icon Technical Report (1.44 MB)
Andres, B, Kappes, J H, Köthe, U and Hamprecht, F A (2010). The Lazy Flipper: MAP Inference in Higher-Order Graphical Models by Depth-limited Exhaustive Search. ArXiv e-prints. icon Technical Report (625.06 KB)
Andres, B, Köthe, U, Kröger, T and Hamprecht, F A (2010). Runtime-Flexible Multi-dimensional Views and Arrays for C++98 and C++0x. ArXiv e-prints. icon Technical Report (415.54 KB)
Kreshuk, A, Straehle, C N, Sommer, C, Köthe, U, Cantoni, M, Knott, G W and Hamprecht, F A (2011). Automated Detection and Segmentation of Synaptic Contacts in Nearly Isotropic Serial Electron Microscopy Images. PLoS ONE. 6 (10)PDF icon Technical Report (290.48 KB)
Kreshuk, A, Straehle, C N, Sommer, C, Köthe, U, Knott, G W and Hamprecht, F A (2011). Automated Segmentation of Synapses in 3D EM Data. Eighth IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI 2011). Proceedings. 220-223
Straehle, C N, Köthe, U, Knott, G W and Hamprecht, F A (2011). Carving: Scalable Interactive Segmentation of Neural Volume Electron Microscopy Images. MICCAI 2011, Proceedings. Springer. 6891 653-660PDF icon Technical Report (1.69 MB)
Lou, X, Kaster, F O, Lindner, M, Kausler, B X, Köthe, U, Höckendorf, B, Wittbrodt, J, Jänicke, H and Hamprecht, F A (2011). DELTR: Digital Embryo Lineage Tree Reconstructor. Eighth IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI). Proceedings. 1557-1560PDF icon Technical Report (1.44 MB)
Sommer, C, Straehle, C N, Köthe, U and Hamprecht, F A (2011). ilastik: Interactive Learning and Segmentation Toolkit. Eighth IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI 2011).Proceedings. 230-233
Menze, B H, Kelm, B Michael, Splitthoff, N, Köthe, U and Hamprecht, F A (2011). On oblique random forests. European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases 2011. Proceedings. Springer. 453-469PDF icon Technical Report (665.33 KB)
Andres, B, Kappes, J H, Beier, T, Köthe, U and Hamprecht, F A (2011). Probabilistic Image Segmentation with Closedness Constraints. Proceedings of ICCVPDF icon Technical Report (2.95 MB)
Andres, B, Kappes, J H, Beier, T, Köthe, U and Hamprecht, F A (2011). Probabilistic Image Segmentation with Closedness Constraints. Proceedings of ICCV
Andres, B, Kappes, J H, Beier, T, Köthe, U and Hamprecht, F A (2011). Probabilistic Image Segmentation with Closedness Constraints. ICCV, Proceedings. 2611 - 2618PDF icon Technical Report (8.18 MB)
Hanselmann, M, Voss, B, Renard, B Y, Lindner, M, Köthe, U, Kirchner, M and Hamprecht, F A (2011). SIMA: Simultaneous Multiple Alignment of LC/MS Peak Lists. Bioinformatics. 27 (7) 987-993PDF icon Technical Report (2.2 MB)
