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Jähne, (2011). Der Ozean im Labor, Bildverarbeitung in den Umweltwissenschaften.
Jähne, (2011). Der Standard 1288 der European Machine Vision Association (EMVA 1288): Was macht die Qualität aus?.
Jähne, (2011). Der Standard EMVA 1288: Objektive Charakterisierung von Bildsensoren und digitalen Kameras.
Schmidt, M and Jähne, B (2011). Efficient and robust reduction of motion artifacts for 3D time-of-flight cameras. International Conference on 3D Imaging 2011, Liège, Belgium
Mischler, W, Rocholz, R and Jähne, B (2011). Experimental setup for the investigation of bubble mediated gas exchange. Gas Transfer at Water Surfaces 2010. 238--248.
Wanner, S, Sommer, C, Rocholz, R, Hamprecht, F A and Jähne, B (2011). A Framework for Interactive Visualization and Classification of Dynamical Processes at the Water Surface. 16th International Workshop on Vision, Modelling and Visualization. Eurographics Association, Germany. 199-206PDF icon Technical Report (4.67 MB)
Wanner, S, Sommer, C, Rocholz, R, Jung, M, Hamprecht, F A and Jähne, B (2011). A framework for interactive visualization and classification of dynamical processes at the water surface. 16th International Workshop on Vision, Modelling and Visualization. Eurographics Association, Germany. 199--206
Wanner, S, Fehr, J and Jähne, B (2011). Generating EPI representations of 4D light fields with a single lens focused plenoptic camera. Advances in Visual Computing. Springer. 90--101
Schmidt, M, Zimmermann, K and Jähne, B (2011). High frame rate for 3D time-of-flight cameras by dynamic sensor calibration. Proceedings IEEE International Conference on Computational Photography (ICCP). 1--8
Friedl, F, Herzog, A G, Warken, P and Jähne, B (2011). Hochauflösende raumzeitliche Messung von flüssigkeitsseitigen Konzentrationsfeldern an der wind- und wellenbewegten Wasseroberfläche. DPG Frühjahrstagung Dresden.
Kiefhaber, D, Rocholz, R and Jähne, B (2011). Improved optical instrument for the measurement of water wave statistics in the field. Gas Transfer at Water Surfaces 2010. 524--534.
Richter, K E and Jähne, B (2011). A laboratory study of the Schmidt number dependency of air-water gas transfer. Gas Transfer at Water Surfaces 2010. 322--332.
Schimpf, U, Nagel, L and Jähne, B (2011). Lock-in thermography at the ocean surface: a local and fast method to investigate heat and gas exchange between ocean and atmosphere. DPG Frühjahrstagung Dresden, Fachverband Umweltphysik.
Kiefhaber, D, Rocholz, R, Schaper, J, Balschbach, G and Jähne, B (2011). Mean square slope measurements in the field with the reflective stereo slope gauge. EGU General Assembly, Vienna
Kiefhaber, D, Rocholz, R, Balschbach, G, Schaper, J and Jähne, B (2011). Measurement of ocean wave statistics with the reflective stereo slope gauge. DPG Frühjahrstagung Dresden, Fachverband Umweltphysik.
Erz, M and Jähne, B (2011). Optimale Kameraauswahl für maschinelles Sehen durch standardisierte Charakterisierung. tm --- Technisches Messen. 78 377--383
Jähne, (2012). 50. Heidelberger Bildverarbeitungsforum --- Jubiläumsinterview mit Prof. Dr. Bernd Jähne
Nagel, L, Richter, K E and Jähne, B (2012). Active Thermography as a Link between Laboratory and Field Studies. SOLAS Open Science Conference, Washington State, USA
Jähne, (2012). Atmosphere-water exchange. Transport and Fate of Chemicals in the Environment --- selected Entries from the Encyclopedia of Sustainability Science and Technology. Springer. 1 175--193
Jähne, (2012). Atmosphere-water exchange. Encyclopedia of Sustainable Science and Technology. Springer. 1 594--606
Fehr, J and Jähne, B (2012). Bilder berechnen - nicht nur aufnehmen. Optik & Photonik. 7 50-53
Fehr, J and Jähne, B (2012). Bilder berechnen --- nicht nur aufnehmen : ``Computational Photography'' wird zunehmend interessant für die industrielle Bildverarbeitung. Optik & Photonik. 7 50--53
Geese, M, Jähne, B and Ruhnau, P (2012). CNN Based Dark Signal Non-Uniformity Estimation. CNNA. 1-6
Geese, M, Ruhnau, P and Jähne, B (2012). CNN based dark signal non-uniformity estimation. Cellular Nanoscale Networks and Their Applications (CNNA), 2012 13th International Workshop on. 1--6
Jähne, (2012). Digitale Bildverarbeitung Und Bildgewinnung. Springer Vieweg.
Erz, M, Mischler, W, Trein, J, Lin, Z, Lay, R and Jähne, B (2012). Erweiterte Schärfentiefe mittels Scheimpflug-Bildaufnahme und Bildfusion. Forum Bildverarbeitung. KIT Scientific Publishing. 1--12.
Jähne, (2012). Gas transfer at water surfaces. Environmental Fluid Mechanics - Memorial Volume in honour of Professor Gerhard H. Jirka. CRC Press/Balkema. 389--404.
Jähne, (2012). Gegenwart und Zukunft der industriellen Bildverarbeitung --- Aufbruch in drei Dimensionen plus.
Nair, R, Meister, S, Lambers, M, Balda, M, Hofmann, H, Kolb, A, Kondermann, D and Jähne, B (2012). Ground truth for evaluating time of flight imaging. Time-of-Flight and Depth Imaging. Sensors, Algorithms, and Applications. Springer. 8200 52--74
Rocholz, R, Fahle, P and Jähne, B (2012). High speed and high resolution wave imaging to investigate the initial generation of wind waves at very small fetch.
Jähne, B and Nagel, L (2012). Investigation of small-scale air-sea interaction processes by active thermography. Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS). 358--361
Jähne, (2012). Neuerungen zum EMVA Standard 1288, Der Release 3.1 des etablierten Standards zur Kameracharakterisierung
Mischler, W and Jähne, B (2012). Optical measurements of bubbles and spray in wind/water facilities at high wind speeds. 12th International Triennial Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems 2012, Heidelberg (ICLASS 2012)
Jähne, (2012). Optik, Photonik und Bildverarbeitung --- eine spannende Reise. Optik & Photonik. 7 2--3
Atif, M and Jähne, B (2012). Optimal Depth Estimation from a Single Image by Computational Imaging using Chromatic Aberrations. Forum Bildverarbeitung. KIT Scientific Publishing. 23--34.
