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Journal Article
Kelm, B Michael, Kaster, F O, Henning, A, Weber, M - A, Bachert, P, Bösinger, P, Hamprecht, F A and Menze, B H (2011). Using Spatial Prior Knowledge in the Spectral Fitting of Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopic Images. NMR in Biomedicine. 25(1) 1-13PDF icon Technical Report (1.94 MB)
Görlitz, L, Menze, B H, Kelm, B Michael and Hamprecht, F A (2009). Processing Spectral Data. Surface and Interface Analysis. 41 636-644PDF icon Technical Report (4.17 MB)
Menze, B H, Lichy, M P, Bachert, P, Kelm, B Michael, Schlemmer, H P and Hamprecht, F A (2006). Optimal Classification of Long Echo Time in vivo Magnetic Resonance Spectra in the Detection of Recurrent Brain Tumor. NMR in Biomedicine. 19 599-609PDF icon Technical Report (289.77 KB)
Menze, B H, Kelm, B Michael, Weber, M - A, Bachert, P and Hamprecht, F A (2008). Mimicking the human expert: pattern recognition for an automated assessment of data quality in MRSI. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 59 1457-1466PDF icon Technical Report (1.45 MB)
Kelm, B Michael, Menze, B H, Nix, O, Zechmann, C M and Hamprecht, F A (2009). Estimating Kinetic Parameter Maps from Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced MRI using Spatial Prior Knowledge. IEEE Transaction on Medical Imaging. 28:10 1534-1547PDF icon Technical Report (419.8 KB)
Menze, B H, Kelm, B Michael, Masuch, R, Himmelreich, U, Bachert, P, Petrich, W and Hamprecht, F A (2009). A Comparison of Random Forest and its Gini Importance with Standard Chemometric Methods for the Feature Selection and Classification of Spectral Data. BMC Bioinformatics. 10:213PDF icon Technical Report (675 KB)
Weber, C, Zechmann, C M, Kelm, B Michael, Zamecnik, R, Hendricks, D, Waldherr, R, Hamprecht, F A, Delorme, S, Bachert, P and Ikinger, U (2007). Comparison of correctness of manuel and automatic evaluation of MR-spectrum with prostrate cancer. Der Urologe. 46 1252
Zechmann, C M, Menze, B H, Kelm, B Michael, Zamecnik, P, Ikinger, U, Waldherr, R, Delorme, S, Hamprecht, F A and Bachert, P (2012). Automated vs. manual pattern recognition of 3D 1H MRSI data of patients with prostate cancer. Academic Radiology. 19, 6 675-684
Kelm, B Michael, Menze, B H, Zechmann, C M, Baudendistel, K T and Hamprecht, F A (2007). Automated Estimation of Tumor Probability in Prostate MRSI: Pattern Recognition vs. Quantification. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 57 150-159PDF icon Technical Report (348.05 KB)
Conference Paper
Görlitz, L, Menze, B H, Weber, M - A and Kelm, B Michael (2007). Semi-Supervised Tumor Detection in MRSI With Discriminative Random Fields. Pattern Recognition. Springer. 4713 224-233PDF icon Technical Report (872.46 KB)
Menze, B H, Kelm, B Michael, Splitthoff, N, Köthe, U and Hamprecht, F A (2011). On oblique random forests. European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases 2011. Proceedings. Springer. 453-469PDF icon Technical Report (665.33 KB)
Menze, B H, Kelm, B Michael, Heck, D, Lichy, M P and Hamprecht, F A (2006). Machine-based rejection of low quality spectra and estimation of brain tumor probabilities from magnetic resonance spectroscopic images. Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin. 31-36PDF icon Technical Report (672.84 KB)
Menze, B H, Kelm, B Michael and Hamprecht, F A (2007). From eigenspots to fisherspots -- latent spaces in the nonlinear detection of spot patterns in a highly variable background. Advances in data analysis. Springer. 33 255-262PDF icon Technical Report (248.87 KB)
Kelm, B Michael, Pal, C and McCallum, A (2006). Combining Generative and Discriminative Methods for Pixel Classification with Multi-Conditional Learning.. ICPR 2006. 2 828-832PDF icon Technical Report (114.99 KB)
Kaster, F O, Kelm, B Michael, Zechmann, C M, Weber, M - A, Hamprecht, F A and Nix, O (2009). Classification of Spectroscopic Images in the DIROlab Environment. World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, September 7 - 12, 2009, Munich, Germany. Springer. 25/V 252--255PDF icon Technical Report (145.73 KB)
Kelm, B Michael, Menze, B H, Neff, T, Zechmann, C M and Hamprecht, F A (2006). CLARET: a tool for fully automated evaluation of MRSI with pattern recognition methods.. Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin 2006 - Algorithmen, Systeme, Anwendungen. Springer. 51-55. icon Technical Report (275.25 KB)
Zechmann, C M, Kelm, B Michael, Zamecnik, P, Ikinger, U, Waldherr, R, Röll, S, Delorme, S, Hamprecht, F A and Bachert, P (2006). Can man still beat the machine? Automated vs. manual pattern recognition of 3D MRSI data of prostate cancer patients. Proceedings of the 16th ISMRMPDF icon Technical Report (664.38 KB)
Kelm, B Michael, Müller, N, Menze, B H and Hamprecht, F A (2006). Bayesian Estimation of Smooth Parameter Maps for Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced MR Images with Block-ICM. Proc Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshop (Mathematical Methods in Biomedical Image Analysis). IEEE Computer Society. 96-103PDF icon Technical Report (232.69 KB)
Kelm, B Michael, Menze, B H and Hamprecht, F A (2005). Automatische Lokalisation von Tumoren in 1H-NMR-spektroskopischen in vivo Aufnahmen. VDI-Berichte. 1883 457-466PDF icon Technical Report (221.54 KB)