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Conference Paper
Wierzimok, D, Hering, F and Brunswig, F (1992). Tracking in Strömungsbildfolgen. Proc. 14. DAGM-Symposium Mustererkennung. Springer
Hering, F, Merle, M, Wierzimok, D and Jähne, B (1995). A robust technique for tracking particles over long image sequences. Proc. ISPRS Intercommission Workshop `From Pixels to Sequences', Zurich, March 22 - 24, 1995, In Int'l Arch. of Photog. and Rem. Sens. RISC Books. XXX-5W1 74--79
Wierzimok, D and Hering, F (1993). Quantitative imaging of transport in fluids with digital particle tracking velocimetry. Imaging in Transport Processes. Begell House Publishers. 297--308.,36adf33e6f249361.html
Hering, F, Merle, M, Wierzimok, D and Jähne, B (1995). Particle tracking in space time sequences. Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns. Springer. 970 294--301
Hering, F, Wierzimok, D, Jähne, B and Jähne, B (1995). Measurements of enhanced turbulence in short wind-induced water waves. Air-Water Gas Transfer, Selected Papers, 3rd Intern. Symp. on Air-Water Gas Transfer. AEON. 775--784
Wierzimok, D and Jähne, B (1991). Measurement of wave-induced turbulent flow structure using digital image sequence analysis. Air-Water Mass Transfer, selected papers from the 2nd International Symposium on Gas Transfer at Water Surfaces, September 11--14, 1990, Minneapolis, Minnesota. ASCE. 200--209
Hering, F, Balschbach, G, Menzel, M, Wierzimok, D and Jähne, B (1995). Flow- and wave-fields associated with micro-scale wave breaking as measured simultaneously by particle tracking and wave slope visualization. IAPSO Proceedings, XXI General Assembly, Honolulu, Hawai, August 1995, PS-10 Spatial Structure of Short Ocean Waves. 385
Hering, F, Wierzimok, D and Jähne, B (1995). Enhanced turbulence beneath short wind-induced water waves as derived from Lagrangian flow fields. IAPSO Proceedings, XXI General Assembly, Honolulu, Hawai, August 1995, PS-10 Spatial Structure of Short Ocean Waves. 386
Hering, F, Wierzimok, D, Melville, W K and Jähne, B (1996). Combined wave and flow field visualization for investigation of short-wave/long-wave interaction. Proc.\ The Air-Sea Interface, Radio and Acoustic Sensing, Turbulence and Wave Dynamics, Marseille, 24--30. June 1993. RSMAS, University of Miami. 133--138
Wierzimok, D, Jähne, B and Dengler, J (1987). Bildfolgenanalyse dreidimensionaler turbulenter Strömungen. Proc. 9. DAGM-Symposium zur Mustererkennung 1987. Springer. 149 288
Wierzimok, D and Jähne, B (1989). Automatic particle tracking velocimetry beneath a wind-stressed wavy water surface with image processing. 5th International Symposium on Flow Visualization
Wierzimok, D and Jähne, B (1990). Automatic particle tracking beneath a wind-stressed wavy water surface with image processing. Proc.\ 5th Int. Symposium Flow Visualization, Praque 1989. 943--956