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Falkenroth, A (2007). Visualisation of Oxygen Concentration Profiles in the Aqueous Boundary Layer. Fakultät für Chemie und Geowissenschaften, Univ.\ Heidelberg.
Falkenroth, A, Degreif, K, Jähne, B and Jähne, B (2007). Visualisation of oxygen concentration fields in the mass boundary layer by fluorescence quenching. Transport at the Air Sea Interface --- Measurements, Models and Parameterizations. Springer Verlag
Falkenroth, A, Herzog, A G and Jähne, B (2006). Visualization of air-water gas exchange using novel fluorescent dyes. 12th Intern. Symp. on Flow Visualization, Göttingen, 10--14. September 2006
Falkenroth, A and Jähne, B (2006). Imaging concentration profiles of water boundary layer by Double-Dye LIF and inverse modelling. Verhandlungen der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, Spring Conference, Heidelberg, 15.-17.03.2006. Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft.