Artificial Intelligence

Course Information

  • Lectures: Dr. Frank Lenzen , Prof. Björn Ommer
  • Course extent 2+2 SWS
  • Time, date & location:
    • Lecture: Mi 11:15-12:45, HCI (Speyerer Straße 6), large seminar room, 2nd floor
    • Exercises: Mi 14:00-15:30, moved up by 15 min HCI (Speyerer Straße 6), large seminar room, 2nd floor
  • Language: English

Intended for

Students of Computer Science. Mathematics or physics, master's study or phd study.


  • Agents
  • Solving Problems by Searching
  • Game playing
  • Propositional Logic
  • Optimization problems
  • Reasoning under Uncertainty
  • Graphical Models
  • Machine Learning
  • Neural Networks


  • standard certificates ('Schein') after passing exercises and oral exam
  • certificate for attendance ('Sitzschein'): regular attendance required (absence in not more than 2 lectures )
  • Exercises partly build on MATLAB. Alternatively the students may use octave or NumPy.


Additional material is posted in moodle.

Since currently not all students have moodle accounts, <a href="">this</a> is an alternative. (same password as for moodle)