Estimation of air-sea gas and heat fluxes from infrared imagery based on near surface turbulence models

TitleEstimation of air-sea gas and heat fluxes from infrared imagery based on near surface turbulence models
Publication TypeIn Collection
Year of Publication2007
AuthorsHara, T, VanInwegen, E, Wendelbo, J, Schimpf, U, Jähne, B, Frew, NM, Jähne, B
EditorGarbe, CS, Garbe, CS, Handler, RA
Collection TitleTransport at the Air Sea Interface --- Measurements, Models and Parameterizations
Publication Languageeng

Water surface infrared images were obtained during the GASEX2001 experiment in the South Equatorial Pacific waters and during the laboratory experiment in the AEOLOTRON wind wave tank at University of Heidelberg in October 2004. The infrared imagery during these experiments reveals coexistence of roller type turbulence and intermittent breaking events. Previous interpretations of the infrared images relied on the surface renewal model, in which the water surface is assumed to be occasionally renewed by bursts of turbulent eddies reaching the water surface. A new complementary model (eddy renewal model) based on stationary and spatially periodic turbulent eddies is developed to reinterpret the infrared images of near surface turbulence. The model predicts warm elongated patches bounded by cold streaks aligned with mean wind, being consistent with field and laboratory infrared images. The model yields bulk temperature estimates and mean heat flux estimates that are very close to those based on the surface renewal model.

Citation Keyhara2007