A phase field method for joint denoising, edge detection, and motion estimation in image sequence processing.

TitleA phase field method for joint denoising, edge detection, and motion estimation in image sequence processing.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2007
AuthorsPreusser, T, Droske, M, Garbe, CS, Rumpf, M, Telea, A
JournalSIAM Journal of Applied Mathematics

The estimation of optical flow fields from image sequences is incorporated in a Mumford/Shah approach for image denoising and edge detection. Possibly noisy image sequences are considered as input and a piecewise smooth image intensity, a piecewise smooth motion field, and a joint discontinuity set are obtained as minimizers of the functional. The method simultaneously detects image edges and motion field discontinuities in a rigorous and robust way. It is able to handle information on motion that is concentrated on edges. Inherent to it is a natural multiscale approximation that is closely related to the phase field approximation for edge detection by Ambrosio and Tortorelli. We present an implementation for two-dimensional image sequences with finite elements in space and time. This leads to three linear systems of equations, which have to be solved in a suitable iterative minimization procedure. Numerical results and different applications underline the robustness of the approach presented.

Citation Keypreusser2007