Ruhnau, P, Kohlberger, T, Nobach, H and Schnörr, C (2005). Variational Optical Flow Estimation for Particle Image Velocimetry. Experiments in Fluids. 38 21--32 Technical Report (1.21 MB) |
Bergtholdt, M, Cremers, D and Schnörr, C (2005). Variational Segmentation with Shape Priors. Handbook of Mathematical Models in Computer Vision. Springer. 147-160 |
Bergtholdt, M and Schnörr, C (2005). Shape Priors and Online Appearance Learning for Variational Segmentation and Object Recognition in Static Scenes. Pattern Recognition, Proc. 27th DAGM Symposium. Springer. 3663 342–350 |
Bruhn, A, Weickert, J, Feddern, C, Kohlberger, T and Schnörr, C (2005). Variational optic flow computation in real-time. IEEE Trans. Image Proc. 14 608–615 |
Bruhn, A, Weickert, J, Kohlberger, T and Schnörr, C (2005). Discontinuity-Preserving Computation of Variational Optic Flow in Real-Time. Scale-Space 2005. Springer. 3459 279–290 |
Bruhn, A, Weickert, J and Schnörr, C (2005). Lucas/Kanade Meets Horn/Schunck: Combining Local and Global Optic Flow Methods. 61 211-231 |
Heiler, M, Keuchel, J and Schnörr, C (2005). Semidefinite Clustering for Image Segmentation with A-priori Knowledge. Pattern Recognition, Proc. 27th DAGM Symposium. Springer. 3663 309–317 |
Heiler, M and Schnörr, C (2005). Natural Image Statistics for Natural Image Segmentation. Int. J. Comp. Vision. 63 5–19 |
Heiler, M and Schnörr, C (2005). Learning Sparse Image Codes by Convex Programming. Proc. Tenth IEEE Int. Conf. Computer Vision (ICCV'05). Beijing, China. 1667-1674 |
Heiler, M and Schnörr, C (2005). Reverse-Convex Programming for Sparse Image Codes. Proc. Int. Workshop on Energy Minimization Methods in Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (EMMCVPR'05). Springer. 3757 600-616 |
Kohlberger, T, Schnörr, C, Bruhn, A and Weickert, J (2005). Domain decomposition for variational optical flow computation. IEEE Trans. Image Proc. 14 1125-1137 |
Neumann, J, Schnörr, C and Steidl, G (2005). Combined SVM-based Feature Selection and Classification. Machine Learning. 61 129-150 |
Neumann, J, Schnörr, C and Steidl, G (2005). Efficient Wavelet Adaption for Hybrid Wavelet-Large Margin Classifiers. Pattern Recognition. 38 1815-1830 |
Ruhnau, P, Gütter, C, Putze, T and Schnörr, C (2005). A variational approach for particle tracking velocimetry. Meas. Science and Techn. 16 1449-1458 |
Ruhnau, P, Kohlberger, T, Nobach, H and Schnörr, C (2005). Variational Optical Flow Estimation for Particle Image Velocimetry. Experiments in Fluids. 38 21–32 |
Schüle, T, Schnörr, C, Weber, S and Hornegger, J (2005). Discrete Tomography By Convex-Concave Regularization and D.C. Programming. Discr. Appl. Math. 151 229-243 |
Schüle, T, Weber, S and Schnörr, C (2005). Adaptive Reconstruction of Discrete-Valued Objects from few Projections. Electr. Notes in Discr. Math. 20 365-384 |
Schellewald, C and Schnörr, C (2005). Probabilistic Subgraph Matching Based on Convex Relaxation. Proc. Int. Workshop on Energy Minimization Methods in Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (EMMCVPR'05). Springer. 3757 171-186 |
Weber, S, Schüle, T and Schnörr, C (2005). Prior Learning and Convex-Concave Regularization of Binary Tomography. Electr. Notes in Discr. Math. 20 313-327 |
Weber, S, Schnörr, C, Schüle, T and Hornegger, J (2005). Binary Tomography by Iterating Linear Programs. Geometric Properties from Incomplete Data. Springer |
Welk, M, Becker, F, Schnörr, C and Weickert, J (2005). Matrix-Valued Filters as Convex Programs. Scale-Space 2005. Springer. 3459 204–216 |
Yuan, J, Ruhnau, P, Mémin, E and Schnörr, C (2005). Discrete Orthogonal Decomposition and Variational Fluid Flow Estimation. Scale-Space 2005. Springer. 3459 267–278 |