Title | Lecturer | Location | Notice |
Advanced Machine Learning, Lecture | Köthe | Mathematikon A (INF 205), Seminarraum A | |
Basics of Modern Image Analysis, Lecture | Hamprecht | Mathematikon B, Berliner Strasse 43, SR B128 | |
Machine Learning, Seminar | Hamprecht | Mathematikon Bauteil B, Berliner Str. 43, Raum B128 |
Title | Lecturer | Location | Notice |
Advanced Machine Learning, Seminar | Hamprecht | Berliner Strasse 43, 3rd floor, large seminar room | |
Einführung in die Praktische Informatik, Lecture | Köthe | Großer Hörsaal Chemie, INF 252 | |
Machine Learning, Seminar | Hamprecht | Mathematikon, Seminarraum 10 | |
Oberseminar Image Analysis, Seminar | Hamprecht | Mathematikon, Seminarraum 10 |
Title | Lecturer | Location | Notice |
Algorithmen und Datenstrukturen, Lecture | Köthe | Di 13:30-15:00, Do 13:30-15:00 | |
Bachelor-Pflichtseminar Machine Learning, Seminar | Hamprecht | Mathematikon INF 205, SR 10 | |
Ist künstliche Intelligenz gefährlich?, Seminar | Köthe | Mathematikon, Seminarraum A | Anmeldung per Email erforderlich |
Title | Lecturer | Location | Notice |
Computer Vision: Foundations, Lecture | Hamprecht | Virtual | |
Machine Learning meets Graph Theory, Seminar | Hamprecht | tbd |
Title | Lecturer | Location | Notice |
Data analysis tools in Python, Lecture | Cerrone | Philos.-weg 12 / CIP |
Title | Lecturer | Location | Notice |
Fundamentals of Machine Learning, Lecture | Köthe | ukoethe | |
Lecture Machine Learning, Lecture | Köthe | HCI (Speyerer Str. 6, large seminar room H 2.22) | |
Master-Pflichtseminar: Deep Learning in Artificial Neural Networks, Seminar | Hamprecht, Köthe | HCI, Speyerer Straße 6 | Registration required - see description for details. |
Soziale Netzwerke und Künstliche Intelligenz: Risikoabschätzung, Seminar | Hamprecht, Platt | tbd | Registration required - see description for details. |
Title | Lecturer | Location | Notice |
Journal Club Advanced Machine Learning , Seminar | Hamprecht, Lippmann, Fita | INF 205, SR 4.300 | |
Pflichtseminar Convex Optimization in Machine Learning, Seminar | Hamprecht | TBD | |
Pflichtseminar Molecular Machine Learning, Seminar | Hamprecht | TBD |
Title | Lecturer | Location | Notice |
Journal Club: Advanced Machine Learning, Seminar | Lippmann, Hamprecht | INF 205, SR 4.300 | |
Machine Learning and Physics, Lecture | Hamprecht | Philosophenweg 12, Großer Hörsaal |
Title | Lecturer | Location | Notice |
Machine Learning , Lecture | Hamprecht | INF 227 HS 2 |
Title | Lecturer | Location | Notice |
Machine Learning for Computer Vision: Lecture, Exercise and Project, Lecture | Hamprecht | Mathematikon B, Berliner Str. 43, SR B128 | |
Softwarepraktikum Machine Learning for Computer Vision, Practical | Hamprecht, Haussmann | tbd |
Title | Lecturer | Location | Notice |
Programming with Python, Practical | Hamprecht | TBD | Registration required - see description for details |
Title | Lecturer | Location | Notice |
Training deep learning models for vision, Module | Pape | Room 02.103 / 02.104 INF 205 (Mathematikon) | Registration required due to limited number of participants |