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Wierzimok, D (1990). Messung turbulenter Strömungen unterhalb der windwellenbewegten Wasseroberfläche mittels digitaler Bildverarbeitung. Institut für Umweltphysik, Fakultät für Physik und Astronomie, Univ.\ Heidelberg.
Wierzimok, D and Hering, F (1993). Quantitative imaging of transport in fluids with digital particle tracking velocimetry. Imaging in Transport Processes. Begell House Publishers. 297--308.,36adf33e6f249361.html
Wierzimok, D, Hering, F and Brunswig, F (1992). Tracking in Strömungsbildfolgen. Proc. 14. DAGM-Symposium Mustererkennung. Springer
Wierzimok, D and Jähne, B (1991). Measurement of wave-induced turbulent flow structure using digital image sequence analysis. Air-Water Mass Transfer, selected papers from the 2nd International Symposium on Gas Transfer at Water Surfaces, September 11--14, 1990, Minneapolis, Minnesota. ASCE. 200--209
Wierzimok, D and Jähne, B (1990). Automatic particle tracking beneath a wind-stressed wavy water surface with image processing. Proc.\ 5th Int. Symposium Flow Visualization, Praque 1989. 943--956
Wierzimok, D and Jähne, B (1989). Automatic particle tracking velocimetry beneath a wind-stressed wavy water surface with image processing. 5th International Symposium on Flow Visualization
Wierzimok, D, Jähne, B and Dengler, J (1987). Bildfolgenanalyse dreidimensionaler turbulenter Strömungen. Proc. 9. DAGM-Symposium zur Mustererkennung 1987. Springer. 149 288