Journal Article
Renard, B Y, Kirchner, M, Monigatti, F, Ivanov, A R, Rappsilber, J, Winter, D, Steen, J A J, Hamprecht, F A and Steen, H (2009).
When Less Can Yield More - Computational Preprocessing of MS/MS Spectra for Peptide Identification Preprocessing.
9 4978-4984
Technical Report (901.78 KB) Renard, B Y, Xu, B, Kirchner, M, Zickmann, F, Winter, D, Korten, S, Brattig, N, Tzur, A, Hamprecht, F A and Steen, H (2012).
Overcoming species boundaries in peptide identification with BICEPS.
Molecular and Cellular Proteomics.
Technical Report (444.6 KB)