Vianello, A, Manfredi, G, Diebold, M and Jähne, B (2016). 3D Reconstruction by a Combined Structure Tensor and Hough Transform Light-Field Approach. Forum Bildverarbeitung. |
Honauer, K, Johannsen, O, Kondermann, D and Goldlücke, B (2016). A Dataset and Evaluation Methodology for Depth Estimation on 4D Light Fields. Computer Vision - ACCV 2016 : 13th Asian Conference on Computer Vision, Taipei, Taiwan, November 20-24, 2016, Revised Selected Papers, Part III. Springer, Cham |
Schilling, H, Diebold, M, Gutsche, M, Aziz-Ahmad, H and Jähne, B (2016). A fractal calibration pattern for improved camera calibration. Forum Bildverarbeitung. |
Kunz, J and Jähne, B (2016). Active thermography as a tool to investigate heat and gas transfer across the air-water interface. 13th Quantitative Infrared Thermographie Conference (QIRT 2016), Gdansk 4–8 July 2016 |
Proß, (2016). Analysis Of The Fetch Dependency Of The Slope Of Wind-Water Waves. Institut für Umweltphysik, Universität Heidelberg, Germany |
Güssefeld, B, Honauer, K and Kondermann, D (2016). Creating Feasible Reflectance Data for Synthetic Optical Flow Datasets. Advances in Visual Computing - 12th International Symposium, {ISVC} 2016, Las Vegas, NV, USA, December 12-14, 2016, Proceedings, Part {I} |
Diebold, M, Gatto, A and Jähne, B (2016). Heterogeneous Light Fields. 2016 {IEEE} Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, {CVPR} 2016, Las Vegas, NV, USA, June 27-30, 2016. |
Diebold, M (2016). Light-Field Imaging and Heterogeneous Light Fields. IWR, Univ. Heidelberg. Dissertation |
Lenor, S (2016). Model-Based Estimation of Meteorological Visibility in the Context of Automotive Camera Systems. IWR, Univ. Heidelberg. Dissertation |
Jähne, B and Schwarzbauer, M (2016). Noise equalisation and quasi loss-less image data compression – or how many bits needs an image sensor?. tm – Technisches Messen. 83 16–24 |
Schwarz, K (2016). Spatio-Temporal Measurements Of Water-Wave Height And Slope Using Laser-Induced Fluorescence And Splines. Institut für Umweltphysik, Universität Heidelberg, Germany |
Kondermann, D, Nair, R, Honauer, K, Krispin, K, Andrulis, J, Brock, A, Güssefeld, B, Rahimimoghaddam, M, Hofmann, S, Brenner, C and Jähne, B (2016). The HCI Benchmark Suite: Stereo and Flow Ground Truth With Uncertainties for Urban Autonomous Driving. The IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) Workshops |