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Conference Paper
Savchynskyy, B and Schmidt, S (2013). Getting Feasible Variable Estimates From Infeasible Ones: MRF Local Polytope Study. Workshop on Inference for Probabilistic Graphical Models at ICCV. Proceedings
Michel, F, Kirillov, A, Brachmann, E, Krull, A, Gumhold, S, Savchynskyy, B and Rother, C (2017). Global hypothesis generation for 6D object pose estimation. Proceedings - 30th IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, CVPR 2017. 2017-Janua 115–124.
Savchynskyy, B, Kappes, J Hendrik, Swoboda, P and Schnörr, C (2013). Global MAP-Optimality by Shrinking the Combinatorial Search Area with Convex Relaxation. NIPS
Savchynskyy, B, Kappes, J H, Swoboda, P and Schnörr, C (2013). Global MAP-Optimality by Shrinking the Combinatorial Search Area with Convex Relaxation. NIPS. Proceedings. 1950-1958
Savchynskyy, B, Kappes, J H, Swoboda, P and Schnörr, C (2013). Global MAP-Optimality by Shrinking the Combinatorial Search Area with Convex Relaxation. NIPSPDF icon Technical Report (499.17 KB)
He, K, Rhemann, C, Rother, C, Tang, X and Sun, J (2011). A global sampling method for alpha matting. Proceedings of the IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition. 2049–2056
Schnörr, C, Stiehl, H - S and Grigat, R - R (1996). On Globally Asymptotically Stable Continuous-Time CNNs for Adaptive Smoothing of Multidimensional Signals. Proc. 4th IEEE Int. Workshop on Cellular Neural Networks and their Applications. Seville, Spain
Wanner, S and Goldlücke, B (2012). Globally Consistent Depth Labeling of 4D Light Fields. CVPR. Proceedings. 41-48
Wanner, S and Goldlücke, B (2012). Globally Consistent Depth Labeling of 4D Lightfields. IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)
Wanner, S, Straehle, C N and Goldlücke, B (2013). Globally consistent multi-label assignment on the ray space of 4D light fields. IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)
Andres, B, Kröger, T, Briggmann, K L, Denk, W, Norogod, N, Knott, G W, Köthe, U and Hamprecht, F A (2012). Globally Optimal Closed-Surface Segmentation for Connectomics. ECCV 2012. Proceedings, Part 3. 778-791PDF icon Technical Report (2.72 MB)
Kappes, J H, Speth, M, Andres, B, Reinelt, G and Schnörr, C (2011). Globally Optimal Image Partitioning by Multicuts. EMMCVPR. Springer. 31-44PDF icon Technical Report (7.3 MB)
Kappes, J H, Speth, M, Andres, B, Reinelt, G and Schnörr, C (2011). Globally Optimal Image Partitioning by Multicuts. EMMCVPR. SpringerPDF icon Technical Report (7.47 MB)
Kappes, J Hendrik, Speth, M, Andres, B, Reinelt, G and Schnörr, C (2011). Globally Optimal Image Partitioning by Multicuts. EMMCVPR. Springer
Rother, C, Kolmogorov, V and Blake, A (2004). "GrabCut" - Interactive foreground extraction using iterated graph cuts. ACM Transactions on Graphics. 23 309–314
Zisler, M, Savarino, F, Petra, S and Schnörr, C (2017). Gradient Flows on a Riemannian Submanifold for Discrete Tomography. Proc. GCPR
Vicente, S, Kolmogorov, V and Rother, C (2008). Graph cut based image segmentation with connectivity priors. 26th IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, CVPR
Abu Alhaija, H, Sellent, A, Kondermann, D and Rother, C (2015). Graphflow—6D large displacement scene flow via graph matching. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics). 9358 285–296
Karim, R, Bergtholdt, M, Kappes, J H and Schnörr, C (2007). Greedy-Based Design of Sparse Two-Stage SVMs for Fast Classification. Pattern Recognition – 29th DAGM Symposium. Springer. 4713 395-404
Karim, R, Bergtholdt, M, Kappes, J H and Schnörr, C (2007). Greedy-Based Design of Sparse Two-Stage SVMs for Fast Classification. Pattern Recognition -- 29th DAGM Symposium. Springer. 4713 395-404PDF icon Technical Report (491.56 KB)
Kondermann, D, Nair, R, Honauer, K, Krispin, K, Andrulis, J, Brock, A, Güssefeld, B, Rahimimoghaddam, M, Hofmann, S, Brenner, C and Jähne, B (2016). The HCI Benchmark Suite: Stereo and Flow Ground Truth With Uncertainties for Urban Autonomous Driving. The IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) Workshops
Honauer, K, Maier-Hein, L and Kondermann, D (2015). The HCI Stereo Metrics: Geometry-Aware Performance Analysis of Stereo Algorithms. The IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV)
Haußecker, H, Reinelt, S, Jähne, B and Jähne, B (1995). Heat as a proxy tracer for gas exchange measurements in the field: principles and technical realization. Air--Water Gas Transfer: Selected Papers from the Third International Symposium on Air--Water Gas Transfer. AEON. 405--413
Jähne, B, Haußecker, H, Schimpf, U and Balschbach, G (1999). The Heidelberg Aelotron --- a new facility for laboratory investigations of small-scale air-sea interaction. The Wind-Driven Air-Sea Interface: Electromagnetic and Acoustic Sensing, Wave Dynamics and Turbulent Fluxes
Jähne, B, Haußecker, H, Schimpf, U and Balschbach, G (1999). The Heidelberg Aeolotron - a new facility for laboratory investigations of small scale air-sea interaction. Poster presented at: The Wind-Driven Air-Sea Interface: Electromagnetic and Acoustic Sensing, Wave Dynamics and Turbulent Fluxes
Jähne, B, Schimpf, U, Garbe, C S and Degreif, K (2005). The Heidelberg Aeolotron: new perspectives for laboratory investigations of small-scale air-sea interaction. Poster presented at: International Liege Colloquium on Ocean Dynamics, Gas Transfer at Water Surfaces
Diebold, M, Gatto, A and Jähne, B (2016). Heterogeneous Light Fields. 2016 {IEEE} Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, {CVPR} 2016, Las Vegas, NV, USA, June 27-30, 2016.
Schmitzer, B and Schnörr, C (2013). A Hierarchical Approach to Optimal Transport. Scale Space and Variational Methods (SSVM 2013). 452-464
Keuchel, J, Heiler, M and Schnörr, C (2004). Hierarchical Image Segmentation based on Semidefinite Programming. Pattern Recognition, Proc. 26th DAGM Symposium. Springer. 3175 120-128
Yarkony, J, Zhang, C and Fowlkes, C C (2014). Hierarchical Planar Correlation Clustering for Cell Segmentation. EMMCVPR. Proceedings. Springer. 8932 492-504PDF icon Technical Report (548.12 KB)
Nair, R, Lenzen, F, Schäfer, H, Meister, S, Garbe, C S and Kondermann, D (2012). High Accuracy TOF and Stereo Sensor Fusion at Interactive Rates. submitted to ECCV 2012. Springer. 7584 1-11
Nair, R, Lenzen, F, Meister, S, Schäfer, H, Garbe, C S and Kondermann, D (2012). High accuracy TOF and stereo sensor fusion at interactive rates. Computer Vision–ECCV 2012. Workshops and Demonstrations. Springer Berlin Heidelberg. 1–11
Nair, R, Lenzen, F, Meister, S, Schäfer, H, Garbe, C S and Kondermann, D (2012). High accuracy TOF and stereo sensor fusion at interactive rates. Computer Vision--ECCV 2012. Workshops and Demonstrations. Springer Berlin Heidelberg. 1--11PDF icon Technical Report (7.29 MB)
Schmidt, M, Zimmermann, K and Jähne, B (2011). High frame rate for 3D time-of-flight cameras by dynamic sensor calibration. Proceedings IEEE International Conference on Computational Photography (ICCP). 1--8
Rhemann, C, Rother, C, Rav-Acha, A and Sharp, T (2008). High resolution matting via interactive trimap segmentation. 26th IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, CVPR
