All Publications


Cremers, D, Kohlberger, T and Schnörr, C (2001). Nonlinear Shape Statistics via Kernel Spaces. Mustererkennung 2001. Springer. 2191 269--276PDF icon Technical Report (324.55 KB)
Cremers, D, Kohlberger, T and Schnörr, C (2001). Nonlinear Shape Statistics via Kernel Spaces. Mustererkennung 2001. Springer, Munich, Germany. 2191 269–276
Cremers, D, Schnörr, C and Weickert, J (2001). Diffusion–Snakes: Combining Statistical Shape Knowledge and Image Information in a Variational Framework. IEEE First Workshop on Variational and Level Set Methods in Computer Vision. IEEE Comp. Soc., Vancouver, Canada. 237–244
Heers, J, Schnörr, C and Stiehl, H S (2001). Globally–Convergent Iterative Numerical Schemes for Non–Linear Variational Image Smoothing and Segmentation on a Multi–Processor Machine. IEEE Trans. Image Proc. 10 852–864
Heiler, M, Cremers, D and Schnörr, C (2001). Efficient Feature Subset Selection For Support Vector Machines. Dept. Math. and Comp. Science, University of Mannheim, Germany
Keuchel, J, Schellewald, C, Cremers, D and Schnörr, C (2001). Convex Relaxations for Binary Image Partitioning and Perceptual Grouping. Mustererkennung 2001. Springer, Munich, Germany. 2191 353–360
Schellewald, C, Keuchel, J and Schnörr, C (2001). Image labeling and grouping by minimizing linear functionals over cones. Proc. Third Int. Workshop on Energy Minimization Methods in Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (EMMCVPR'01). Springer, INRIA, Sophia Antipolis, France. 2134 267–282
Schellewald, C, Roth, S and Schnörr, C (2001). Evaluation of Convex Optimization Techniques for the Weighted Graph–Matching Problem in Computer Vision. Mustererkennung 2001. Springer, Munich, Germany. 2191 361–368
Schellewald, C, Roth, S and Schnörr, C (2001). Application Of Convex Optimization Techniques To The Relational Matching Of Object Views. Dept. Math. and Comp. Science, University of Mannheim, Germany
Schnörr, (2001). Statistische Mustererkennung
Weickert, J, Heers, J, Schnörr, C, Zuiderveld, K –J, Scherzer, O and Stiehl, H –S (2001). Fast parallel algorithms for a broad class of nonlinear variational diffusion approaches. Real–Time Imaging. 7 31–45
Weickert, J and Schnörr, C (2001). Variational Optic Flow Computation with a Spatio-Temporal Smoothness Constraint. J. Math. Imaging and Vision. 14 245–255
Weickert, J and Schnörr, C (2001). A Theoretical Framework for Convex Regularizers in PDE–Based Computation of Image Motion. Int. J. Computer Vision. 45 245–264
Wiehler, K, Heers, J, Schnörr, C, Stiehl, H –S and Grigat, R –R (2001). A 1D analog VLSI implementation for non-linear real-time signal preprocessing. Real–Time Imaging. 7 127–142


Cremers, D, Schnörr, C, Weickert, J and Schellewald, C (2000). Learning Translation Invariant Shape Knowledge for Steering Diffusion-Snakes. 3rd Workshop on Dynamic Perception. Akad. Verlagsges., Berlin, Germany. 9 117–122
Cremers, D, Schnörr, C, Weickert, J and Schellewald, C (2000). Diffusion Snakes Using Statistical Shape Knowledge. Proc. Algebraic Frames for the Perception-Action Cycle. Springer, Kiel. 1888 164–174
Schnörr, (2000). Variational Adaptive Smoothing and Segmentation. Computer Vision and Applications: A Guide for Students and Practitioners. Academic Press, San Diego. 459–482
Schnörr, C and Weickert, J (2000). Variational Image Motion Computation: Theoretical Framework, Problems and Perspectives. Mustererkennung 2000. Springer, Kiel, Germany
Weickert, J and Schnörr, C (2000). PDE–Based Preprocessing of Medical Images. Künstliche Intelligenz. 3 5–10
Wulf, M, Stiehl, H S and Schnörr, C (2000). On the computational rôle of the primate retina. Proc. 2nd ICSC Symposium on Neural Computation (NC 2000). Berlin, Germany
(2000). Künstliche Intelligenz: Special Issue on Medical Computer Vision. 3


Heers, J, Schnörr, C and Stiehl, H S (1999). Investigating A Class Of Iterative Schemes And Their Parallel Implementation For Nonlinear Variational Image Smoothing And Segmentation. Comp. Sci. Dept., AB KOGS, University of Hamburg, Germany
Peckar, W, Schnörr, C, Rohr, K and Stiehl, H –S (1999). Parameter-Free Elastic Deformation Approach for 2D and 3D Registration Using Prescribed Displacements. J. Math. Imaging and Vision. 10 143–162
Schnörr, (1999). Variational Methods for Adaptive Image Smoothing and Segmentation. Handbook on Computer Vision and Applications: Signal Processing and Pattern Recognition. Academic Press, San Diego. 2 451–484
Weickert, J and Schnörr, C (1999). Räumlich–zeitliche Berechnung des optischen Flusses mit nichtlinearen flussabhängigen Glattheitstermen. Mustererkennung 1999. Springer. 317–324
Wulf, M, Stiehl, H S and Schnörr, C (1999). A model of spatiotemporal receptive fields in the primate retina. Proc. 1st Göttingen Conf. German Neurosci. Soc.. II
Wulf, M, Stiehl, H S and Schnörr, C (1999). Modeling spatiotemporal receptive fields in the primate retina. Proc. Cognitive Neurosci. Conf. Hanse–Wissenschaftskolleg, Bremen, Germany


Heers, J, Schnörr, C and Stiehl, H S (1998). A class of parallel algorithms for nonlinear variational image segmentation. Proc. Noblesse Workshop on Non–Linear Model Based Image Analysis (NMBIA'98). Glasgow, Scotland
Heers, J, Schnörr, C and Stiehl, H –S (1998). Investigation of Parallel and Globally Convergent Iterative Schemes for Nonlinear Variational Image Smoothing and Segmentation. Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Image Proc. Chicago
Heers, J, Schnörr, C and Stiehl, H –S (1998). Parallele und global konvergente iterative Minimierung nichtlinearer Variationsansätze zur adaptiven Glättung und Segmentation von Bildern. Mustererkennung 1998. Springer, Heidelberg
Peckar, W, Schnörr, C, Rohr, K and Stiehl, H S (1998). Non-Rigid Image Registration Using a Parameter-Free Elastic Model. 9th British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC`98). Southampton/UK. 134–143
Peckar, W, Schnörr, C, Rohr, K, Stiehl, H –S and Spetzger, U (1998). Linear and Incremental Estimation of Elastic Deformations in Medical Registration Using Prescribed Displacements. Machine Graphics & Vision. 7 807–829
Schnörr, (1998). Variational approaches to Image Segmentation and Feature Extraction. University of Hamburg, Comp. Sci. Dept., Hamburg, Germany
Schnörr, (1998). A Study of a Convex Variational Diffusion Approach for Image Segmentation and Feature Extraction. J. of Math. Imag. and Vision. 8 271–292
Wiehler, K, Grigat, R –R, Heers, J, Schnörr, C and Stiehl, H S (1998). Dynamic Circular Cellular Networks for Adaptive Smoothing of Multi–Dimensional Signals. Proc. 5th IEEE Int. Workshop on Cellular Neural Networks and their Applications. London
Wiehler, K, Grigat, R –R, Heers, J, Schnörr, C and Stiehl, H –S (1998). Real–Time Adaptive Smoothing with a 1D Nonlinear Relaxation Network in Analogue VLSI Technology. Mustererkennung 1998. Springer, Heidelberg


Fornland, P and Schnörr, C (1997). Determining the Dominant Plane from Uncalibrated Stereo Vision by a Robust and Convergent Iterative Approach without Correspondence. Proc. Int. Conf. Comp. Vision and Patt. Recog. (CVPR'97). San Juan, Puerto Rico
Gerloff, S, Hagemann, A, Schnörr, C, Tieck, S, Stiehl, H S, Dombrowski, R, Dreyer, M and Wiesendanger, R (1997). Semi–Automated Analysis of SXM Images. Proc. 9th Int. Conf. on Scanning Tunneling Microscopy/Spectroscopy and Related Techniques (STM'97). Hamburg, Germany
Peckar, W, Schnörr, C, Rohr, K and Stiehl, H S (1997). Two-Step Parameter-Free Elastic Image Registration with Prescribed Point Displacements. Proc. 9th Int. Conf. on Image Analysis and Processing (ICIAP'97). Florence, Italy


Schnörr, (1996). Repräsentation von Bilddaten mit einem konvexen Variationsansatz. Mustererkennung 1996. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg. 21–28
