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Haller, S, Prakash, M, Hutschenreiter, L, Pietzsch, T, Rother, C, Jug, F, Swoboda, P and Savchynskyy, B (2020). A Primal-Dual Solver for Large-Scale Tracking-by-Assignment. AISTATS 2020PDF icon PDF (1.04 MB)
Bailoni, A, Pape, C, Wolf, S, Kreshuk, A and Hamprecht, F A (2020). Proposal-Free Volumetric Instance Segmentation from Latent Single-Instance Masks. GCPR. Springer. 12544 331-344
Bhowmik, A, Gumhold, S, Rother, C and Brachmann, E (2020). Reinforced Feature Points: Optimizing Feature Detection and Description for a High-Level Task. CVPR 2020 (oral). icon PDF (2.74 MB)
Roth, K, Milbich, T, Sinha, S, Gupta, P, Ommer, B and Cohen, J Paul (2020). Revisiting Training Strategies and Generalization Performance in Deep Metric Learning. International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML).
Mustikovela, S K, Jampani, V, De Mello, S, Liu, S, Iqbal, U, Rother, C and Kautz, J (2020). Self-Supervised Viewpoint Learning From Image Collections. CONSAC. icon PDF (8.77 MB)
Wolf, S, Li, Y, Pape, C, Bailoni, A, Kreshuk, A and Hamprecht, F A (2020). The Semantic Mutex Watershed for Efficient Bottom-Up Semantic Instance Segmentation. ECCV. Proceedings. 208-224
Milbich, T, Roth, K, Brattoli, B and Ommer, B (2020). Sharing Matters for Generalization in Deep Metric Learning. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (TPAMI).
Jähne, (2020). Struktur und Chaos: Kleinskalige Austauschprozesse zwischen Atmosphäre und Meer. Heidelberger Jahrbücher Online, Entwicklung – Wie aus Prozessen Strukturen werden. 5 133–150
Desana, M and Schnörr, C (2020). Sum-Product Graphical Models. Machine Learning. 109 135–173
Censor, Y, Petra, S and Schnörr, C (2020). Superiorization vs. Accelerated Convex Optimization: The Superiorized/Regularized Least Squares Case. J. Appl. Numer. Optimization (in press; arXiv:1911.05498). 2 15-62.
Tourani, S, Shekhovtsov, A, Rother, C and Savchynskyy, B (2020). Taxonomy of Dual Block-Coordinate Ascent Methods for Discrete Energy Minimization. AISTATS 2020. icon PDF (2.58 MB)
Zern, A, Zisler, M, Petra, S and Schnörr, C (2020). Unsupervised Assignment Flow: Label Learning on Feature Manifolds by Spatially Regularized Geometric Assignment. Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision.
Dorkenwald, M, Büchler, U and Ommer, B (2020). Unsupervised Magnification of Posture Deviations Across Subjects. Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)PDF icon article.pdf (1.15 MB)
Braun, S, Esser, P and Ommer, B (2020). Unsupervised Part Discovery by Unsupervised Disentanglement. Proceedings of the German Conference on Pattern Recognition (GCPR) (Oral). Tübingen.
Milbich, T, Ghori, O and Ommer, B (2020). Unsupervised Representation Learning by Discovering Reliable Image Relations. Pattern Recognition. 102.
Jähne, (2020). What controls air-sea gas exchange at extreme wind speeds? Evidence from laboratory experiments. Recent Advances in the Study of Oceanic Whitecaps. Springer. 133–150
Jähne, (2019). Air-Sea Gas Exchange. Encyclopedia of Ocean Sciences. Academic Press. 6 1–13
Krall, K E, Smith, A W, Takagaki, N and Jähne, B (2019). Air–sea gas exchange at wind speeds up to 85 m/s. Ocean Science. 15 1783-–1799
Schnörr, (2019). Assignment Flows. Variational Methods for Nonlinear Geometric Data and Applications. Springer
Haußmann, M, Gerwinn, S and Kandemir, M (2019). Bayesian Prior Networks with PAC Training. arXiv preprint arXiv:1906.00816
Kruse, J, Ardizzone, L, Rother, C and Köthe, U (2019). Benchmarking Invertible Architectures On Inverse Problems
Kamann, C and Rother, C (2019). Benchmarking the Robustness of Semantic Segmentation Models.
Bendinger, A L, Debus, C, Glowa, C, Karger, C P, Peter, J and Storath, M (2019). Bolus arrival time estimation in dynamic contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging of small animals based on spline models, in press. Physics in Medicine and Biology. 64
Kleesiek, J, Morshuis, J Nikolas, Isensee, F, Deike-Hofmann, K, Paech, D, Kickingereder, P, Köthe, U, Rother, C, Forsting, M, Wick, W, Bendszus, M, Schlemmer, H Peter and Radbruch, A (2019). Can Virtual Contrast Enhancement in Brain MRI Replace Gadolinium?: A Feasibility Study. Investigative Radiology. 54 653–660
Mackowiak, R, Lenz, P, Ghori, O, Diego, F, Lange, O and Rother, C (2019). CEREALS - Cost-Effective REgion-based Active Learning for Semantic Segmentation. British Machine Vision Conference 2018, BMVC 2018
Savarino, F and Schnörr, C (2019). Continuous-Domain Assignment Flows. preprint: arXiv.
Lu, G -hung, Tsai, W -ting and Jähne, B (2019). Decomposing infrared images of wind waves for quantitative separation into characteristic flow processes. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing. 57 8304–8316
Haußmann, M, Hamprecht, F A and Kandemir, M (2019). Deep Active Learning with Adaptive Acquisition. IJCAI. Proceedings. 2470-2476PDF icon Technical Report (137.6 KB)
Li, W, Hosseini Jafari, O and Rother, C (2019). Deep Object Co-segmentation. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics). 11363 LNCS 638–653
Papst, M (2019). Development Of A Method For Quantitative Imaging Of Air-Water Gas Exchange. Institut für Umweltphysik, Universität Heidelberg, Germany
Savchynskyy, B (2019). Discrete Graphical Models — An Optimization Perspective. Foundations and Trends® in Computer Graphics and Vision. Now Publishers. 11 160–429
Sanakoyeu, A, Tschernezki, V, Büchler, U and Ommer, B (2019). Divide and Conquer the Embedding Space for Metric Learning. Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR).
Kiefer, L, Storath, M and Weinmann, A (2019). An efficient algorithm for the piecewise affine-linear Mumford-Shah model based on a Taylor jet splitting. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing. 29PDF icon Technical Report (2.04 MB)
Cerrone, L, Zeilmann, A and Hamprecht, F A (2019). End-to-End Learned Random Walker for Seeded Image Segmentation. CVPR. Proceedings. 12559-12568
Imle, A, Kumberger, P, Schnellbächer, N D, Fehr, J, Carillo-Bustamente, P, Ales, J, Schmidt, P, Ritter, C, Godinez, W J, Müller, B, Rohr, K, Hamprecht, F A, Schwarz, U S, Graw, F and Fackler, O T (2019). Experimental and computational analyses reveal that environmental restrictions shape HIV-1 spread in 3D cultures. Nature Communications. 13;10(1)
