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Ommer, B (2013). The Role of Shape in Visual Recognition. Shape Perception in Human Computer Vision: An Interdisciplinary Perspective. Springer. 373--385PDF icon Technical Report (8.18 MB)
Ommer, B and Buhmann, J M (2010). Learning the Compositional Nature of Visual Object Categories for Recognition. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence. IEEE. 32 501--516PDF icon Technical Report (2.78 MB)
Ommer, B, Mader, T and Buhmann, J M (2009). Seeing the Objects Behind the Dots: Recognition in Videos from a Moving Camera. International Journal of Computer Vision. Springer. 83 57--71PDF icon Technical Report (9.61 MB)
Ommer, B and Malik, J (2009). Multi-scale Object Detection by Clustering Lines. Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision. IEEE. 484--491PDF icon Technical Report (3.18 MB)
Ommer, B (2008). Seeing The Objects Behind The Parts: Learning Compositional Models For Visual Recognition. VDM Verlag.
Ommer, B and Buhmann, J M (2007). Compositional Object Recognition, Segmentation, and Tracking in Video. Proceedings of the International Workshop on Energy Minimization Methods in Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition. Springer. 4679 318--333PDF icon Technical Report (2.78 MB)
Ommer, B and Buhmann, J M (2007). Learning the Compositional Nature of Visual Objects. Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition. IEEE. 1--8PDF icon Technical Report (2.78 MB)
Ommer, B, Sauter, M and M., B J (2006). Learning Top-Down Grouping of Compositional Hierarchies for Recognition. Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, Workshop on Perceptual Organization in Computer Vision. IEEE. 194--194PDF icon Technical Report (358.98 KB)
Ommer, B and Buhmann, J M (2006). Learning Compositional Categorization Models. Proceedings of the European Conference on Computer Vision. Springer. 3953 316--329PDF icon Technical Report (1.35 MB)
Ommer, B and Buhmann, J M (2005). Object Categorization by Compositional Graphical Models. Proceedings of the International Workshop on Energy Minimization Methods in Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition. Springer. 3757 235--250PDF icon Technical Report (2.07 MB)
Ommer, B and Buhmann, J M (2003). A Compositionality Architecture for Perceptual Feature Grouping. Proceedings of the International Workshop on Energy Minimization Methods in Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition. Springer. 2683 275--290PDF icon Technical Report (2.89 MB)