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Conference Paper
Schmund, D, Münsterer, T, Lauer, H, Jähne, B and Jähne, B (1995). The circular wind wave facilities at the University of Heidelberg. Air-Water Gas Transfer - Selected papers from the Third International Symposium on Air-Water Gas Transfer. AEON. 505--516
Jähne, B, Haußecker, H, Hering, F, Balschbach, G, Klinke, J, Lell, M, Schmund, D, Schultz, M, Schurr, U, Stitt, M and Platt, U (1996). The role of active vision in exploring growth, transport, and exchange processes. Aktives Sehen in technischen und biologischen Systemen, Workshop der GI-Fachgruppe 1.0.4. Bildverstehen Hamburg, 3--4. December 1996. infix. 4 194--202
Jähne, B, Haußecker, H, Scharr, H, Spies, H, Schmund, D and Schurr, U (1998). Study of dynamical processes with tensor-based spatiotemporal image processing techniques. ECCV 1998. Springer. 1407 322--336
In Collection
Schmund, D, Schurr, U and Jähne, B (2000). Optical leaf growth analysis. Computer Vision and Applications - A Guide for Students and Practitioners. Academic Press. 640-641
Schmund, D, Schurr, U, Jähne, B, Haußecker, H and Geißler, P (1999). Plant-leaf growth studied by image sequence analysis. Handbook of Computer Vision and Applications. Academic Press. 3: Systems and Applications 719-735
Kümmerlen, B, Dauwe, S, Schmund, D, Schurr, U, Jähne, B, Geißler, P and Haußecker, H (1999). Thermography to measure water relations of plant leaves. Handbook of Computer Vision and Applications. Academic Press. 3: Systems and Applications 763-781
Kümmerlen, B, Dauwe, S, Schmund, D, Schurr, U, Jähne, B and Haußecker, H (2000). Thermography to measure water relations of plant leaves. Computer Vision and Applications. A Guide for Students and Practitioners. Academic Press. 636--637