About me
Welcome to the web page of Bernd Jähne. Since his retirement in September 2018 he is senior professor at the HCI. With his retirement his research group "Digital Image Processing" at the HCI was dissolved. He still heads the Air-Sea Interaction Group at the Institute of Environmental Physics. His current activities as a senior professor at the HCI include:- Chair of the Heidelberg Image Processing Forum, founded by him in 1995, which has become a major forum for continuous education and fostering of contacts between research and industry with three one-day events per year
- Mentor of the HCI spin-off HD Vision Systems GmbH
- Chair of the EMVA 1288 Standardization Working Group to characterize the performance of digital cameras and image sensors
- Board member of the European Machine Vision Association (EMVA) . since August 2021 Vice President
- Supervision of industrial PhD students in the field of computational imaging and low-level image processing in cooperation with PCO AG and Imago Technologies GmbH
- Writing the 8th edition of the German-language textbook "Digitale Bildverarbeitung und Bildgewinnung" for Springer Vieweg
Brief history
The research group "Digital Image Processing" of B. Jähne was founded in April 1994 when he accepted the call to a joint professorship at the Interdisciplinary Center for Scientific Computing (IWR) and the Institute of Environmental Physics (IUP). From 1995 - 2002 he was the spokesperson of the DFG research unit FOR 240 "Image Sequence Analysis to Investigate Dynamic Processes". He was member of the two DFG priority programs SPP 1114: "Mathematical Methods for Time Series Analysis and Digital Image Processing" (2002-2007) and SPP 1147: "Imaging Measurement Methods for Flow Analysis" (2003-2010).Activities in other large projects include: Heidelberg spokesperson in the joint Darmstadt/Heidelberg GRK 1114: Optical Techniques for Measurement of Interfacial Transport Phenomena (2005-2014), theme leader in the BMBF project SOPRAN - Surface Ocean Processes in the Anthropocene, and PI in the GSC 220 Heidelberg Graduate School of Mathematical and Computational Methods for the Sciences (HGS MathComp) at the IWR (2007-2019).
Together with his colleagues F. Hamprecht and C. Schnörr, he founded the Industry-on-Campus project Heidelberg Collaboratory for Image Processing (HCI) in November 2007 and served as coordinating director for the first ten years until October 2017. His succesor is C. Rother. From 2008 to 2016 he was deputy managing director of the IWR.
Here are all publications including diploma and PhD theses of his research groups at HCI and IUP back to 1977
The following list contains only publications were he is the main author or a co-author