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Book Chapter
Kondermann, D, Nair, R, Meister, S, Mischler, W, Güssefeld, B, Honauer, K, Hofmann, S, Brenner, C and Jähne, B (2015). Stereo Ground Truth with Error Bars. Computer Vision – ACCV 2014: 12th Asian Conference on Computer Vision, Singapore, Singapore, November 1-5, 2014, Revised Selected Papers, Part V. Springer International Publishing, Cham. 595–610.
Yarlagadda, P, Monroy, A, Carque, B and Ommer, B (2013). Towards a Computer-based Understanding of Medieval Images. Scientific Computing & Cultural Heritage. Springer. 89--97.
Conference Paper
Schimpf, U, Nagel, L and Jähne, B (2011). The 2009 SOPRAN active thermography pilot experiment in the Baltic Sea. Gas Transfer at Water Surfaces 2010. 358--367.
Klinke, J and Jähne, B (1992). 2D wave number spectra of short wind waves: results from wind-wave facilities and extrapolation to the ocean. Optics of the Air-Sea Interface: Theory and Measurement. 1749 245-257
Roetmann, K, Garbe, C S and Beushausen, V (2005). 2D-Molecular Tagging Velocimetry zur Analyse Mikrofluidischer Strömungen. Tagungsband Lasermethoden in der Strömungsmesstechnik (GALA). 26/1--26/10
Hoiem, D, Rother, C and Winn, J (2007). 3D LayoutCRF for multi-view object class recognition and segmentation. Proceedings of the IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
Biesdorf, A, Wörz, S, von Tengg-Kobligk, H, Rohr, K and Schnörr, C (2015). 3D Segmentation of Vessels by Incremental Implicit Polynomial Fitting and Convex Optimization. Proc.~ISBIPDF icon Technical Report (611.33 KB)
Shesh, A, Criminisi, A, Rother, C and Smyth, G (2009). 3D-aware image editing for out of bounds photography. Proceedings - Graphics Interface. 47–54.
Jähne, B and Herrmann, H (1997). 3D-Exploration mit einer sich bewegenden Kamera. Bildverarbeitung'97, Forschen, Entwickeln, Anwenden. Technische Akademie Esslingen
Kirchgeßner, N, Scharr, H and Schurr, U (2000). 3D-Modellierung von Pflan­zen­blät­tern mittels eines Depth-from-Motion Verfahrens. Proceedings of the 22th DAGM Symposium on Pattern Recognition. 381--388
Geißler, P, Jähne, B and Waldhäusl, P (1996). A 3D-sensor for the measurement of particle concentration from image sequences. Proc. 18th Int. Congr. for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. 31 194--199.
Haug, F and Jähne, B (2010). 6 DoF appearance-based object localization with local covariant features. Forum Bildverarbeitung. KIT Scientific Publishing. 13--24.
Maier-Hein, L, Schmidt, M, Franz, A M, Santos, T R dos, Seitel, A, Jähne, B, Fitzpatrick, J M and Meinzer, H - P (2010). Accounting for an­iso­tro­pic noise in fine registration of time-of-flight range data with high-resolution surface data. Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention (MICCAI 2010). Springer. 6361 251--258
Spies, H and Scharr, H (2001). Accurate optical flow in noisy image sequences. ICCV. 587--592
Kainmueller, D, Jug, F, Rother, C and Myers, G (2014). Active graph matching for automatic joint segmentation and annotation of C. elegans. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics). 8673 LNCS 81–88
Banerjee, D, Garbe, C S, Schimpf, U, Jähne, B and Schabel, S (2007). An active thermographic technique for highly resolved heat transport measurements in paper drying. 61st Appita Annual Conference Proceedings. APPITA. 161-167
Schimpf, U, Popp, C and Jähne, B (2006). Active thermography: a local and fast method to investigate heat and gas exchange between ocean and atmosphere. Verhandlungen der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, Spring Conference, Heidelberg, 15.-17.03.2006. Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft.
Nagel, L, Richter, K E and Jähne, B (2012). Active Thermography as a Link between Laboratory and Field Studies. SOLAS Open Science Conference, Washington State, USA
Kunz, J and Jähne, B (2016). Active thermography as a tool to investigate heat and gas transfer across the air-water interface. 13th Quantitative Infrared Thermographie Conference (QIRT 2016), Gdansk 4–8 July 2016
Kondermann, C, Kondermann, D, Jähne, B, Garbe, C S, Schnörr, C and Jähne, B (2007). An adaptive confidence measure for optical flows based on linear subspace projections. Proceedings of the 29th DAGM Symposium on Pattern Recognition. Springer. 4713 132--141
Bodnariuc, E, Gurung, A, Petra, S and Schnörr, C (2015). Adaptive Dictionary-Based Spatio-temporal Flow Estimation for Echo PIV. Proc.~EMMCVPR. Springer. 8932 378--391PDF icon Technical Report (951.37 KB)
Bodnariuc, E, Gurung, A, Petra, S and Schnörr, C (2015). Adaptive Dictionary-Based Spatio-temporal Flow Estimation for Echo PIV. EMMCVPR
Lenzen, F, Becker, F and Lellmann, J (2013). Adaptive Second-Order Total Variation: An Approach Aware of Slope Discontinuities. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Scale Space and Variational Methods in Computer Vision SSVM. Springer. 7893 61-73
Lenzen, F, Becker, F and Lellmann, J (2013). Adaptive Second-Order Total Variation: An Approach Aware of Slope Discontinuities. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Scale Space and Variational Methods in Computer Vision (SSVM) 2013. Springer. 54 371--398PDF icon Technical Report (702.08 KB)
Krall, K Ellen and Jähne, B (2014). Air-sea gas exchange and momentum transfer: turbulence and Schmidt number dependency. 7th SOPRAN Annual Meeting, Bremen, Germany, 25-26 March 2014
Jähne, (2015). Air-sea gas exchange: from empiric wind speed relations to regimes and ranges. Frühjahrstagung der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, Fachverband Umweltphysik. UP 16.3.
Krall, K Ellen, Schneider-Zapf, K, Reith, S, Kiefhaber, D and Jähne, B (2014). Air-sea gas exchange under nature-like surfactant influence in the lab. 7th SOPRAN Annual Meeting, Bremen, Germany, 25-26 March 2014
Schimpf, U, Haußecker, H and Jähne, B (1999). Air--sea gas transfer and micro turbulence at the ocean surface using infrared image processing. Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 1999. IGARSS apos;99 Proceedings. IEEE 1999 International. 1 11--13
Jähne, B, Nielsen, R, Popp, C, Schimpf, U and Garbe, C S (2005). Air-Sea Gas Transfer; Schmidt Number dependency and intermittency. Presented at: International Liege Colloquium on Ocean Dynamics, Gas Transfer at Water Surfaces
Garbe, C S, Banerjee, D, Schimpf, U and Jähne, B (2007). Aktive Thermografie für die Untersuchung von Transportprozessen. Thermografie-Kolloquium. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Zerstörungsfreie Prüfung e.V. 1--8
Sindeev, M, Konushin, A and Rother, C (2013). Alpha-flow for video matting. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics). 7726 LNCS 438–452
Roetmann, K, Schmunk, W, Garbe, C S and Beushausen, V (2006). Analyse Mikrofluidischer Strömungen mit Molecular Tagging Velocimetry und Planarer Ramanstreuung. Tagungsband Lasermethoden in der Strömungsmesstechnik
Klar, M, Jehle, M, Jähne, B, Detert, M and H., J G (2004). Analysis of subsurface gravel layer flow caused by turbulent open-channel flow using 3D PTV and pressure sensor techniques. BAW-Workshop Soil and Bed Stability - Interaction Effects between Geotechnics and Hydraulic Engineering
Jähne, (1994). Analytical studies of low-level motion estimators in space-time images using a unified filter concept. Proc. Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR '94), Seattle, 20.-23. June 1994. 229--236
Hosseini Jafari, O, Groth, O, Kirillov, A, Yang, M Ying and Rother, C (2017). Analyzing modular CNN architectures for joint depth prediction and semantic segmentation. Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation. 4620–4627.
