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Blum, O, Brattoli, B and Ommer, B (2018). X-GAN: Improving Generative Adversarial Networks with ConveX Combinations. German Conference on Pattern Recognition (GCPR) (Oral). Stuttgart, GermanyPDF icon Article (6.65 MB)PDF icon Supplementary material (7.96 MB)PDF icon Oral slides (14.96 MB)
Yarlagadda, P, Monroy, A and Ommer, B (2010). Voting by Grouping Dependent Parts. Proceedings of the European Conference on Computer Vision. Springer. 6315 197--210PDF icon Technical Report (2.99 MB)
Eigenstetter, A and Ommer, B (2012). Visual Recognition using Embedded Feature Selection for Curvature Self-Similarity. Proceedings of the Conference on Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems. MIT Press. 377--385PDF icon Technical Report (3.27 MB)
Antic, B and Ommer, B (2011). Video Parsing for Abnormality Detection. Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision. IEEE. 2415--2422PDF icon Technical Report (990.21 KB)
Kotovenko, D, Sanakoyeu, A, Lang, S, Ma, P and Ommer, B (2019). Using a Transformation Content Block For Image Style Transfer. Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)
Milbich, T, Bautista, M, Sutter, E and Ommer, B (2017). Unsupervised Video Understanding by Reconciliation of Posture Similarities. Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV).
Milbich, T, Ghori, O and Ommer, B (2020). Unsupervised Representation Learning by Discovering Reliable Image Relations. Pattern Recognition. 102.
Lorenz, D, Bereska, L, Milbich, T and Ommer, B (2019). Unsupervised Part-Based Disentangling of Object Shape and Appearance. Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) (Oral + Best paper finalist: top 45 / 5160 submissions)
Braun, S, Esser, P and Ommer, B (2020). Unsupervised Part Discovery by Unsupervised Disentanglement. Proceedings of the German Conference on Pattern Recognition (GCPR) (Oral). Tübingen.
Dorkenwald, M, Büchler, U and Ommer, B (2020). Unsupervised Magnification of Posture Deviations Across Subjects. Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)PDF icon article.pdf (1.15 MB)
Brattoli, B, Büchler, U, Dorkenwald, M, Reiser, P, Filli, L, Helmchen, F, Wahl, A - S and Ommer, B (2021). Unsupervised behaviour analysis and magnification (uBAM) using deep learning. Nature Machine Intelligence.
Lang, S and Ommer, B (2021). Transforming Information Into Knowledge: How Computational Methods Reshape Art History. Digital Humanities Quaterly (DHQ). 15.
Lang, S and Ommer, B (2021). Transforming Information Into Knowledge: How Computational Methods Reshape Art History. Digital Humanities Quaterly (DHQ). 15
Bell, P and Ommer, B (2015). Training Argus. Kunstchronik. Monatsschrift für Kunstwissenschaft, Museumswesen und Denkmalpflege. Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte. 68 414--420
Esser, P, Haux, J, Milbich, T and Ommer, B (2018). Towards Learning a Realistic Rendering of Human Behavior. European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV - HBUGEN)
Yarlagadda, P, Monroy, A, Carque, B and Ommer, B (2013). Towards a Computer-based Understanding of Medieval Images. Scientific Computing & Cultural Heritage. Springer. 89--97.
Yarlagadda, P, Monroy, A, Carque, B and Ommer, B (2009). Towards a Computer-based Understanding of Medieval Images. Scientific Computing & Cultural Heritage. Springer. 89--97.
Yarlagadda, P, Monroy, A, Carque, B and Ommer, B (2011). Top-down Analysis of Low-level Object Relatedness Leading to Semantic Understanding of Medieval Image Collections. Conference on Computer Vision and Image Analysis of Art II. 7869 61--69PDF icon Technical Report (11.06 MB)
Esser, P, Rombach, R and Ommer, B (2021). Taming Transformers for High-Resolution Image Synthesis. Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR).
Sanakoyeu, A, Kotovenko, D, Lang, S and Ommer, B (2018). A Style-Aware Content Loss for Real-time HD Style Transfer. Proceedings of the European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV) (Oral)
Dorkenwald, M, Milbich, T, Blattmann, A, Rombach, R, Derpanis, K G and Ommer, B (2021). Stochastic Image-to-Video Synthesis usin cINNs. Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)
Antic, B and Ommer, B (2015). Spatio-temporal Video Parsing for Abnormality Detection. arXiv. abs/1502.06235. icon Technical Report (4.61 MB)
Antic, B, Büchler, U, Wahl, A - S, Schwab, M E and Ommer, B (2015). Spatiotemporal Parsing of Motor Kinematics for Assessing Stroke Recovery. Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention. SpringerPDF icon Article (2.24 MB)
Milbich, T, Roth, K, Brattoli, B and Ommer, B (2020). Sharing Matters for Generalization in Deep Metric Learning. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (TPAMI).
Monroy, A, Bell, P and Ommer, B (2012). Shaping Art with Art: Morphological Analysis for Investigating Artistic Reproductions. Proceedings of the European Conference on Computer Vision, Workshop on VISART. Springer. 7583 571--580PDF icon Technical Report (7 MB)
Islam, M Amirul, Kowal, M, Esser, P, Jia, S, Ommer, B, Derpanis, K G and Bruce, N (2021). Shape or Texture: Understanding Discriminative Features in CNNs. International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR)
Ommer, B (2008). Seeing The Objects Behind The Parts: Learning Compositional Models For Visual Recognition. VDM Verlag.
Ommer, B, Mader, T and Buhmann, J M (2009). Seeing the Objects Behind the Dots: Recognition in Videos from a Moving Camera. International Journal of Computer Vision. Springer. 83 57--71PDF icon Technical Report (9.61 MB)
Roth, K, Milbich, T, Ommer, B, Cohen, J Paul and Ghassemi, M (2021). S2SD: Simultaneous Similarity-based Self-Distillation for Deep Metric Learning. Proceedings of International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML).
Ommer, B (2013). The Role of Shape in Visual Recognition. Shape Perception in Human Computer Vision: An Interdisciplinary Perspective. Springer. 373--385PDF icon Technical Report (8.18 MB)
Antic, B and Ommer, B (2012). Robust Multiple-Instance Learning with Superbags. Proceedings of the Aian Conference on Computer Vision (ACCV) (Oral). Springer. 242--255PDF icon Technical Report (319.58 KB)
Roth, K, Milbich, T, Sinha, S, Gupta, P, Ommer, B and Cohen, J Paul (2020). Revisiting Training Strategies and Generalization Performance in Deep Metric Learning. International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML).
Kotovenko, D, Wright, M, Heimbrecht, A and Ommer, B (2021). Rethinking Style Transfer: From Pixels to Parameterized Brushstrokes. Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR).
Rubio, J C and Ommer, B (2015). Regularizing Max-Margin Exemplars by Reconstruction and Generative Models. Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition. IEEE. 4213--4221PDF icon Technical Report (2.8 MB)
Lang, S and Ommer, B (2018). Reflecting on How Artworks Are Processed and Analyzed by Computer Vision. European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV - VISART). Springer
