Accepted DFG Grant for Bogdan Savchynskyy as PI

Bogdan Savchynskyy got a 3-year DFG Grant accepted on the topic of exact and efficient inference in challenging Random Fields Models

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CVPR 16 pose estimation code now online

You can download the code of our CVPR 16 paper on pose estimation and camera localization here.

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New Papers accepted (NIPS, BMVC, ACCV, IROS)

New papers accepted to NIPS (on MRF diversity), BMVC (on stacked RF to CNN mapping; oral), ACCV (on new learning for CNN-CRF), and IROS (on Road Hazard detection). Please find papers in publication section.

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Congratulations to Dr. Michael Yang

On June 1st 2016, Michael will join ITC faculty of University of Twente in the Netherlands as Assistant Prof. ITC is recognized worldwide in the field of geo-information science and earth observation. Congratulations!

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First DFG Grant recommended for acceptance. Jointly with Bodo Rosenhahn

We have a DFG Grant recommended for acceptance which runs jointly with Bodo Rosenhahn from Leibniz Universität Hannover. The Grant is on “Comprehensive Conjoint GPS and Video Data Analysis for Smart Maps”, where our part is predominantly on detailed, semantic understanding of complex traffic scenes.

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2 Papers accepted to CVPR 2016

Two papers accepted to CVPR 16: 1) a new method to localize the 6D Pose of an object; 2) a new way for multi-label segmentation, e.g. cells in an image, with the constraint that all connected foreground object should be convex.

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Diplom Thesis Opening in CVLD

Together with Fraunhofer IVI , we have one diplom thesis opening in CVLD. There will be possibility to transfer to a PhD position with a successful Diplom thesis defense. Please contact Tom Landgraf ( for more details. Diplom Thesis Topic: Trajectory Extraction for Traffic Participants The behaviour of traffic participants is a key element in […]

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Stephan Ihrke wins the Carl Zeiss Diplompreis

Stephan Ihrke wins the Carl Zeiss Diplompreis for his Diploma thesis: “Casting Light on Object Pose Estimation via Object Coordinate Regression”

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MICCAI 2015 Ear Data Set

The MICCAI 2015 ear data set used in our paper “Semantic 3-D Labeling of ear implants using a global parametric transition prior” is available now on the publications page!

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MSF Workshop at ICCV 2015

CVLD organizes together with Rama Chellappa, Christian Heipke, Alper Yilmaz, Clément Mallet, Yury Vizilter the 3rd ICCV2015 Workshop: Multi-Sensor Fusion for Dynamic Scene Understanding (MSF 2015), which has been accepted as a full-day workshop on December 12, 2015, in conjunction with ICCV in Santiago, Chile.

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