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Dresden has a very strong research environment in the area of Bio Imaging. The CVLD works in close collaborations with existing groups,especially with the MPI-based groups of Gene Myers, Ivo Sbalzarini and Pavel Tomancak. Our goal is to transfer and improve latest techniques from computer vision, discrete optimization and machine learning to Bio Imaging – with a special focus on probabilistic graphical models. The application areas include matching, tracking, segmentation, and deconvolution. This is an exciting and growing research area.
Running Projects (in which we are involved in):
- Segmentation and Tracking of Somite Development in Zebrafish (David Richmond from Gene Myers Lab drives this project)
- Bacteria Tracking in the Mother machine (Florian Jug from Gene Myers Lab drives this project)
- Annotation of C. Elegans Nuclei in Light-microscopic Images (Dagmar Kainmueller from Gene Myers Lab drives this project)
Other Activities:
We organize the BioImage Computing (BIC) workshop at CVPR 2015, jointly with Dagmar Kainmueller, Florian Jug, and Pave Tomancak.
Selected Publications:
- D. Kainmueller, F. Jug, C. Rother, G. Myers. Active Graph Matching for Automatic Joint Segmentation and Annotation of C. Elegans. MICCAI 2014
- F. Jug, Tobias Pietzsch, D. Kainmüller, J. Funke, M. Kaiser, E. van Nimwegen, C. Rother, and G. Myers, Optimal Joint Segmentation and Tracking of Escherichia Coli in the Mother Machine“, BAMBI workshop at MICCAI 2014.
- P. Márquez-Neila, P. Kohli, C. Rother and L. Baumela, Non-parametric Higher-order Random Fields for Image Segmentation, ECCV 2014.