Computer Vision and Learning Lab

The Computer Vision and Learning Lab works in the field of Computer Vision and Machine Learning. The Lab has three groups: 3D Computer Vision (Carsten Rother), Explainable Machine Learning (Ullrich Köthe), and Optimization for Machine Learning (Bogdan Savchynskyy). Carsten Rother is head of the Lab. We work on a large range of research topics, such as 3D reconstruction, Image synthesis, Invertible Neural Networks, Explainable and Trustworthy Machine Learning, Large-scale discrete optimization, assignment and tracking. We collaborate with researchers from many other disciplines, such as computational biology, medicine, astronomy, or environmental physics. We have also been the steppingstone for successful start-ups.

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The Rich Scene Model (ERC Consolidator Grant)

Given a sequence of images the goal is to recover a rich, detailed representation of the 3D world, ranging from physical to semantical aspects. To achieve this we investigate new ways to combine feature learning, modelling, physical laws, and optimization in large-scale discrete-continuous-valued probabilistic graphical model. 

Our Research

Machine Learning

focusing on Explainable Machine Learning and Deep Learning

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Combinatorial Optimization

focusing on Graphical Models, Diversity, and Large-Scale Optimization

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Scene Understanding

focusing on 6D Pose estimation, Dense Matching, and Instance Recognition

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Natural Science

focusing on BioImaging, Medicine and related fields

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Training Data Generation

focusing on Mixed Realty, Ground Truth Capture and Lightfields

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Selected Events

Collaborators & Industrial Partners

Over the last years we have been collaborating with various scientific partners – such as MPI Tübingen, Oxford University, University College London, Imperial College London, ETH Zürich, Skoltech Moscow, Stanford University, TU Darmstadt, Prague University, University of Hannover, IST Vienna, TU Vienna, MPI Saarbrücken, TU Dresden, MPI-CBG and CSBD Dresden, and more.
We have also been collaborating with various industrial research labs - such as Microsoft Research Cambridge, Bejing and Redmond, Daimler, and Facebook Artificial Intelligence Researchers (FAIR).
We are part of the Heidelberg HCI 3rd phase, where we collaborate closely with Bosch.

Prof. Dr. Carsten Rother

Head of CVL.
Please arrange an appointment via secretary.

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Carsten Rother is mentoring the start-up Rabbit AI. Find out more ...

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