Regular Events
Heidelberg AI
What we’re about ( is a platform for enthusiasts, …
Selected Events
Robust Vision Challenge 2020
Please join the second round of the robust vision challenge: …BioImage Computing Workshop at CVPR 2019
We are co-organizing this year’s BioImage Computing workshop at CVPR. …New SIXD Object Pose Estimation Challenge!
Together with researchers from Czech Technical University in Prague and …Robust Vision Challenge at CVPR 2018
We are happy to be involved in the organization of …MSF Workshop at ICCV 2015
CVLD organizes together with Rama Chellappa, Christian Heipke, Alper Yilmaz, Clément Mallet, Yury Vizilter the 3rd ICCV2015 …ICCV’15 Tutorial on Inference and Learning for Discrete Graphical Models
CVLD together with HCI of Heidelberg University and Sebastian Nowozin …6D Object Pose Workshop at ICCV2015
We are helping to organize the 1st International Workshop on …Inverse Rendering Workshop at ICCV2015
CVLD organizes together with Stefan Roth and Peter Gehler a …
Please find below a list of past workshops and tutorials which were co-organized or offered by CVLD members.
- Intersection Workshop Cambridge, UK 2012 (we plan to do another round soon, please stay tuned) Webpage
- Graphical Models for Scene Understanding: Challenges and Perspectives at ICCV '13, Webpage
- Representations and Applications Workshop on interactive computer vision at ICCV '07. see Webpage.
- Workshop on Color and Reflectance in Computer Vision at ICCV '09. see Webpage
- Tractable Higher Order Models in Computer Vision (tutorial CVPR '10)
- MAP Inference in Discrete Models (ICCV 2009)
- Microsoft Moscow Summer School (Discrete Models: Optimization and Applications)
- Sport and Vision Summer School(ETH Zurich 2009/2010)
- INRIA Vision and ML Summer School(MRF/CRF for Computer Vision)