Inverse Rendering Workshop at ICCV2015

CVLD organizes together with Stefan Roth and Peter Gehler a full day workshop at ICCV2015. Look here to find out more about Inverse Rendering, the program of the workshop and our call for papers.

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ICCV 2015 Pose Challenges are online

    Our ICCV 2015 Pose Challenges – Articulated Object Challenge & Occluded Object Challenge – are online.

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BMVC 2015 Articulated Objects Dataset is online

The dataset to our BMVC 2015 paper is online and can be downloaded here.

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Paper accepted at ATACCS 2015

Our joint paper with the institute of Air-Traffic Control and Logistics at TU Dresden got accepted at ATACCS 2015. The paper deals with the detection of small static objects in LiDAR-based 3-D point cloud scans on airport movement areas. [pdf]

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BMVC oral and Pacific Graphics paper

Our work on pose estimation of articulated objects, e.g. a cupboard, got an oral presentation at BMVC ’15. In joint work with Phil Torr’s team we have a Pacific Graphics paper, in which we apply the Dense CRF model to the bounding-box segmentation scenario. We show that the GrabCut functional and a Dense CRF model […]

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Workshops at ICCV 2015

CVLD is involved in the organization of three workshops: i) Inverse Rendering; ii) Object Pose Estimation; (iii) Multi-Sensor Fusion. (see events). Stay tuned for Call for Papers.

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ICCV ’15 Tutorial – Inference in Discrete Graphical Models

Full day tutorial at ICCV 2015. Organized by Bogdan Savchynskyy (CVLD Dresden); Thorsten Beier (HCI Heidelberg); Jörg Kappes (HCI Heidelberg); Sebastian Nowozin (MSR Camrbidge); Carsten Rother (CVLD Dresden)

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Two orals at MICCAI 2015

Two papers accepted as oral presentation to MICCAI 2015 (see publication). In the first work, jointly with Gene Myers team, we demonstrate the importance of adding uncertainty information (here probabilistic inference in a constellation model) to a Random Forest Cascade. The second piece of work considers the task of semantic 3D labelling of ear implants. […]

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ACCV tracking dataset is online

The Dataset from our 2014 ACCV paper is online. You can Download it here.

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Honorable Mention Demo Award at ACCV 14.

Congratulation Alex Krull, Eric Brachmann, and Frank Michel.    

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