Carsten Rother among 9 most influential CV scholars in Europe

Carsten Rother was selected by aminerĀ  to be among the 9 most influential Computer Vision researchers in Europe. See: AI 2000 Computer Vision Most Influential Scholars.

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Our excellent cluster “Structures” – where ML is used to find structures in data and the physical world – got funded by DFG

STRUCTURES: A unifying approach to emergent phenomena in the physical world, mathematics, and complex data.

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CVPR 16 pose estimation code now online

You can download the code of our CVPR 16 paper on pose estimation and camera localization here.

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Proseminar Aufgabenstellungen der Bildanalyse und Mustererkennung

Sommersemester 2015 Das Proseminar befasst sich in diesem Semester mit Object Recognition and Scene Understanding Welche Ideen gibt es dazu? Wie ist der mathematische / algorithmische Hintergrund? Kontakt TUD-email Holger.Heidrich, Raum 2039 Termin Freitag, 2. DS, 09:20-10:50 Uhr, APB E008 ACHTUNG: Das Proseminar wurde auf den Hauptseminartermin verlegt! Vortragstermine sind dort eingetragen. Montag, 4.DS, 13:00, […]

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CVLD Colloquium

This is a weekly event which will be held 3pm-4pm every Tuesday at room 2024, CVLD.20.12.2016Manuel Paternoster's diploma defence"Deep Convolutional Neural Networks for Object Coordinate Regression"12.12.2016(13:00-16:00)Ideas and Future PlansEverybody should present their thoughts in 10-15 minutes.20.09.2016Diploma thesis defense - Friedrich Trauzettel : "Scene Flow with Extended Feature Matching"09.08.2016Manuel Paternoster's intermediate diploma presentation: Deep Convolutional Neural […]

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