Carsten Rother among 9 most influential CV scholars in Europe

Carsten Rother was selected by aminer  to be among the 9 most influential Computer Vision researchers in Europe. See: AI 2000 Computer Vision Most Influential Scholars.

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Four Papers accepted to CVPR 2020

S.K. Mustikovela, V. Jampani, S. De Mello, S. Liu, U. Iqbal, C. Rother, J. Kautz “Self-Supervised Viewpoint Learning from Image Collections”, CVPR 2020. [pdf] A. Bhowmik, S. Gumhold, C. Rother, E. Brachmann, “Reinforced Feature Points: Optimizing Feature Detection and Description for a High-Level Task”, CVPR 2020 (oral). [pdf] F. Kluger, E. Brachmann, H. Ackermann, C […]

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Our excellent cluster “Structures” – where ML is used to find structures in data and the physical world – got funded by DFG

STRUCTURES: A unifying approach to emergent phenomena in the physical world, mathematics, and complex data.

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