Diplom Thesis Opening in CVLD

Together with Fraunhofer IVI , we have one diplom thesis opening in CVLD. There will be possibility to transfer to a PhD position with a successful Diplom thesis defense. Please contact Tom Landgraf (tom.landgraf@ivi.fraunhofer.de) for more details.

Diplom Thesis Topic: Trajectory Extraction for Traffic Participants

The behaviour of traffic participants is a key element in accident research. Where drivers could also be monitored in synthetic environment (etc. driving simulators) the behaviour other “road users” such as pedestrians or wild animals have to be monitored in real live. Thermal cameras offers an interesting monitoring approach due to the independence from the lightning conditions. The Fraunhofer IVI operates a camera network to monitor traffic participants. The topic is strongly interconnected with current accident research and industry projects. The master/diploma thesis is supervised in a interdisciplinary team of the Computer Vision Lab and the Fraunhofer IVI.

The master/diploma thesis comprises the following parts:
(1) development and implementation of a robust segmentation and tracking algorithm, considering the specifics of thermal images and object occlusions
(2)realization of an image to world coordinate mapping based on a minimal set of measured parameters
(3)classification of “road users” (at least the classes CAR, TRUCK and ANIMAL)
(4)evaluation on field test data of Fraunhofer IVI
(5)estimation of velocity and acceleration
(6)optional parts: automatic camera pose estimation and image to word coordinate mapping, extended classification of other participants like CYCLISTS etc.

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