Dipl.-Medieninf. Alexander Krull


Nöthnitzer Str. 46
01187 Dresden

Email: alexander(dot)krull(at)tu-dresden(dot)de
Room: APB-2031
Phone: +49 (351) 463 42666




Massiceti, Daniela; Krull, Alexander; Brachmann, Eric: Rother, Carsten; Torr, Philip H.S.
Random Forests versus Neural Networks – What’s Best for Camera Relocalization?
arXiv, (2016)

Brachmann, Eric; Michel, Frank; Krull, Alexander; Yang, Michael Ying; Gumhold, Stefan; Rother, Carsten:
Uncertainty-Driven 6D Pose Estimation of Objects and Scenes from a Single RGB Image.
CVPR, (2016)

Cojoc, Gheorghe; Florescu, Ana-Maria; Krull, Alexander; Klemm, Anna H; Pavin, Nenad; Jülicher, Frank; Tolić, Iva M.:
Paired Arrangement of Kinetochores together with Microtubule Pivoting and Dynamics Drive Kinetochore Capture in Meiosis I.
Scientific reports, (2016)

Glunčić, Matko; Maghelli, Nicola; Krull, Alexander; Krstić, Vladimir; Ramunno-Johnson, Damien; Pavin, Nenad; Tolić, Iva M.:
Kinesin-8 Motors Improve Nuclear Centering by Promoting Microtubule Catastrophe.
Physical review letters, (2016)

Michel, Frank; Krull, Alexander; Brachmann, Eric; Yang, Michael Ying; Gumhold, Stefan; Rother, Carsten:
Pose Estimation of Kinematic Chain Instances via Object Coordinate Regression.
BMVC, (2015)

Krull, Alexander; Brachmann, Eric; Michel, Frank; Ying Yang, Michael; Gumhold, Stefan; Rother, Carsten:
Learning Analysis-by-Synthesis for 6D Pose Estimation in RGB-D Images.
ICCV, (2015)

Krull, Alexander;  Michel, Frank; Brachmann, Eric; Gumhold, Stefan;  Ihrke, Stephan; Rother, Carsten:
6-DOF Model Based Tracking via Object Coordinate Regression.
ACCV, (2014)

Brachmann, Eric; Krull, Alexander; Michel, Frank; Gumhold, Stefan; Shotton, Jamie; Rother, Carsten:
Learning 6D Object Pose Estimation using 3D Object Coordinates.
ECCV, (2014)

Krull, Alexander; Steinborn, André Ananthanarayanan,Vaishnavi; Ramunno-Johnson, Damien;
Petersohn, Uwe; Tolić-Nørrelykke, Iva M.:
A divide and conquer strategy for the maximum likelihood localization of low intensity objects.
Opt.Express, (2014)

Ananthanarayanan, Vaishnavi; Schattat, Martin; Vogel, Sven K.; Krull, Alexander; Pavin, Nenad;
Tolić-Nørrelykke, Iva M.:
Dynein motion switches from diffusive to directed upon cortical anchoring.
Cell, (2013)

Kalinina, Iana M.; Nandi, Amitabha; Delivani, Petrina; Chacon, Mariola R.; Klemm, Anna; Ramunno-Johnson, Damien; Krull, Alexander;
Lindner, Benjamin; Pavin, Nenad; Tolić-Nørrelykke, Iva M.:
Pivoting of microtubules around the spindle pole accelerates kinetochore capture.
Nat. Cell Biol., (2013)