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Becker, F, Wieneke, B, Petra, S, Schröder, A and Schnörr, C (2012). Variational Adaptive Correlation Method for Flow Estimation. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing. 21 3053 -- 3065PDF icon Technical Report (18.81 MB)
Becker, F, Wieneke, B, Petra, S, Schröder, A and Schnörr, C (2012). Variational Adaptive Correlation Method for Flow Estimation. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing. 21 3053 – 3065
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Becker, F, Wieneke, B, Yuan, J and Schnörr, C (2008). A Variational Approach to Adaptive Correlation for Motion Estimation in Particle Image Velocimetry. Pattern Recognition – 30th DAGM Symposium. Springer Verlag. 5096 335–344
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