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Jähne, B, Massen, R, Nickolay, B and Scharfenberg, H (1995). Technische Bildverarbeitung - Maschinelles Sehen. Springer.
Haußecker, H and Jähne, B (1996). A tensor approach for local structure analysis in multi-dimensional images. 3D Image Analysis and Synthesis. 171--178
Haußecker, H and Jähne, B (1997). A tensor approach for precise computation of dense displacement vector fields. Proceedings of the 19th DAGM Symposium on Pattern Recognition, Braunschweig. Springer. 199--208
Haußecker, H, Spies, H and Jähne, B (1998). Tensor-based image sequence processing techniques for the study of dynamical processes. Proc. Intern. Symp. On Real-time Imaging and Dynamic Analysis. International Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, ISPRS, Commision V. 704--711
Frank, M, Plaue, M, Rapp, H, Köthe, U, Jähne, B and Hamprecht, F A (2009). Theoretical and Experimental Error Analysis of Continuous-Wave Time-Of-Flight Range Cameras. Optical Engineering. 48, 013602PDF icon Technical Report (2.03 MB)
Frank, M, Plaue, M, Rapp, H, Köthe, U, Jähne, B and Hamprecht, F A (2009). Theoretical and experimental error analysis of continuous-wave time-of-flight range cameras. Opt. Eng. 48 013602
Rapp, H, Frank, M, Hamprecht, F A and Jähne, B (2008). A Theoretical and Experimental Investigation of the Systematic Errors and Statistical Uncertainties of Time-of-Flight Cameras. Int. J. Intelligent Systems Technologies and Applications. 5 402-413PDF icon Technical Report (798.23 KB)
Rapp, H, Frank, M, Hamprecht, F A and Jähne, B (2008). A theoretical and experimental investigation of the systematic errors and statistical uncertainties of time-of-flight cameras. Int. J. Intelligent Systems Technologies and Applications. 5 402--413
Rapp, H, Frank, M, Hamprecht, F A and Jähne, B (2007). A theoretical and experimental investigation of the systematic errors and statistical uncertainties of time-of-flight cameras. Proc.\ Dyn3D Workshop, Heidelberg, Sept. 11, 2007. ZESS, Univ.\ Siegen
Garbe, C S, Schimpf, U, Schurr, U and Jähne, B (2002). Thermographic measurements in environmental and bio sciences. Quantitative Infrared Thermography. 6 253--259.
Garbe, C S, Schurr, U and Jähne, B (2002). Thermographic measurements on plant leaves. ThermoSense. SPIE. 4710 407--416
Rosenbaum, T, Jähne, B and Gerlach, G (2006). Thermographical measurement of temperatures on metallic surfaces. Sensor+Test 2006 Proceedings (OPTO 2006, IRS2 2006), Nürnberg, 30 May - 1 June 2006, AMA Fachverband für Sensorik. 327--330
Jähne, B, Garbe, C S, Schimpf, U and Schurr, U (2001). Thermographie in den Umwelt- und Biowissenschaften. DGZfP-Berichtsband 77. Deutsche Gesellschaft für zerstörungsfreie Prüfung e.V.
Kümmerlen, B, Dauwe, S, Schmund, D, Schurr, U, Jähne, B, Geißler, P and Haußecker, H (1999). Thermography to measure water relations of plant leaves. Handbook of Computer Vision and Applications. Academic Press. 3: Systems and Applications 763-781
Kümmerlen, B, Dauwe, S, Schmund, D, Schurr, U, Jähne, B and Haußecker, H (2000). Thermography to measure water relations of plant leaves. Computer Vision and Applications. A Guide for Students and Practitioners. Academic Press. 636--637
Engelmann, D, Garbe, C S, Stöhr, M and Jähne, B (1999). Three dimensional flow dynamics beneath the air-water interface. The Wind-Driven Air-Sea Interface, Electromagnetic and Acoustic Sensing, Wave Dynamics and Turbulent Fluxes. 181--184
Geißler, P, Dierig, T, Mallot, H A and Jähne, B (2000). Three-dimensional imaging algorithms. Computer Vision and Applications - A Guide for Students and Practitioners. Academic Press. 397--438
(2013). Time-of-Flight Imaging: Algorithms, Sensors and Applications (Dagstuhl Seminar 12431). Dagstuhl Reports. Schloss Dagstuhl--Leibniz-Zentrum fuer Informatik. 2 79--104.
(2013). Time-of-Flight Imaging: Algorithms, Sensors and Applications (Dagstuhl Seminar 12431). Dagstuhl Reports. Schloss Dagstuhl--Leibniz-Zentrum fuer Informatik. 2 79--104.
Haußecker, H, Garbe, C S, Spies, H and Jähne, B (1999). A total least squares framework for low-level analysis of dynamic scenes and processes. Proceedings of the 21th DAGM Symposium on Pattern Recognition. Springer. 240--249
Jähne, B and Garbe, C S (2003). Towards objective performance analysis for estimation of complex motion: analytic motion modeling, filter optimization, and test sequences. In Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Image Processing. ./pdf/2003/barth_ICIP2003.pdf:PDF
Esparza, J, Helmle, M and Jähne, B (2014). Towards surround stereo vision: analysis of a new surround view camera configuration for driving asistance applications. 17th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC 2014)
Lenor, S, Martini, J, Jähne, B, Stopper, U, Weber, S and Ohr, F (2014). Tracking-based visibility estimation. Pattern Recognition, 36th German Conference, GCPR 2014, Münster, Germany, September 2-5, 2014. Springer. 8753 365--376
Jähne, (1985). Transfer processes across the free water interface. Institut für Umweltphysik, Fakultät für Physik und Astronomie, Univ. Heidelberg. Habilitation
Jähne, B and Schwarzkopf, P (2009). Transparency for Industrial Cameras and Sensors.
Jähne, (2007). Transport At The Air Sea Interface --- Measurements, Models And Parameterizations. Springer.
Jähne, (1982). Trockene Deposition von Gasen über Wasser (Gasaustausch). Austausch von Luftverunreinigungen an der Grenzfläche Atmospäre/Erdoberfläche, Zwischenbericht für das Umweltbundesamt zum Teilprojekt 1: Deposition von Gasen, BleV-R-64.284-2. Battelle Institut
Schilling, H, Diebold, M, Rother, C and Jähne, B (2018). Trust your Model: Light Field Depth Estimation with inline Occlusion Handling. CVPR. ProceedingsPDF icon Technical Report (5.46 MB)
Jähne, B and Riemer, K (1990). Two-dimensional wave number spectra of small-scale water surface waves. J. Geophys. Res. 95 11531--11646
Frew, N M, Bock, E J, McGilles, W R, Karachintsev, A, Hara, T, Münsterer, T, Jähne, B and Jähne, B (1995). Variation of air--water gas transfer with wind stress and surface viscoelasticity. Air-water Gas Transfer, Selected Papers from the Third International Symposium on Air-Water Gas Transfer. AEON. 529--541
Frew, N M, Bock, E J, McGilles, W R, Karachintsev, A, Hara, T, Münsterer, T, Jähne, B and Jähne, B (1995). Variation of air--water gas transfer with wind stress and surface viscoelasticity. Air-water Gas Transfer, Selected Papers from the Third International Symposium on Air-Water Gas Transfer. AEON. 529--541
Raisch, F, Scharr, H, Kirchgeßner, N, Jähne, B, Fink, R H A and Uttenweiler, D (2002). Velocity and feature estimation of actin filaments using active contours in noisy fluorescence image sequences. Proc. 2nd IASTED Int. Conf. Visualization, Imaging and Image Processing. 645--650
