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Conference Proceedings
Blattmann, A, Milbich, T, Dorkenwald, M and Ommer, B (2021). Behavior-Driven Synthesis of Human Dynamics. Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR).
Monroy, A and Ommer, B (2012). Beyond Bounding-Boxes: Learning Object Shape by Model-driven Grouping. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence. Springer. 7574 582--595PDF icon Technical Report (1.58 MB)
Lang, S and Ommer, B (2020). Das Objekt jenseits der Digitalisierung. Das digitale Objekt. 7. icon lang_ommer_digitalhumanities_2020_.pdf (599.56 KB)
Esser, P, Rombach, R and Ommer, B (2020). A Disentangling Invertible Interpretation Network for Explaining Latent Representations. Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR). icon Article (13.07 MB)
Milbich, T, Roth, K, Bharadhwaj, H, Sinha, S, Bengio, Y, Ommer, B and Cohen, J Paul (2020). DiVA: Diverse Visual Feature Aggregation for Deep Metric Learning. IEEE European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV).
Sanakoyeu, A, Tschernezki, V, Büchler, U and Ommer, B (2019). Divide and Conquer the Embedding Space for Metric Learning. Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR).
Esser, P, Rombach, R, Blattmann, A and Ommer, B (2021). ImageBART: Bidirectional Context with Multinomial Diffusion for Autoregressive Image Synthesis.
Bautista, M, Fuchs, P and Ommer, B (2017). Learning Where to Drive by Watching Others. Proceedings of the German Conference Pattern Recognition. Springer-Verlag, Basel. 1
Rombach, R, Esser, P and Ommer, B (2020). Making Sense of CNNs: Interpreting Deep Representations & Their Invariances with INNs. IEEE European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV).
Rombach, R, Esser, P and Ommer, B (2020). Network-to-Network Translation with Conditional Invertible Neural Networks. Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS) (Oral).
Ufer, N, Lang, S and Ommer, B (2020). Object Retrieval and Localization in Large Art Collections Using Deep Multi-style Feature Fusion and Iterative Voting. IEEE European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV), VISART Workshop PDF icon Paper (1.03 MB)
Lang, S and Ommer, B (2018). Reflecting on How Artworks Are Processed and Analyzed by Computer Vision. European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV - VISART). Springer
Kotovenko, D, Wright, M, Heimbrecht, A and Ommer, B (2021). Rethinking Style Transfer: From Pixels to Parameterized Brushstrokes. Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR).
Roth, K, Milbich, T, Sinha, S, Gupta, P, Ommer, B and Cohen, J Paul (2020). Revisiting Training Strategies and Generalization Performance in Deep Metric Learning. International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML).
Roth, K, Milbich, T, Ommer, B, Cohen, J Paul and Ghassemi, M (2021). S2SD: Simultaneous Similarity-based Self-Distillation for Deep Metric Learning. Proceedings of International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML).
Islam, M Amirul, Kowal, M, Esser, P, Jia, S, Ommer, B, Derpanis, K G and Bruce, N (2021). Shape or Texture: Understanding Discriminative Features in CNNs. International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR)
Dorkenwald, M, Milbich, T, Blattmann, A, Rombach, R, Derpanis, K G and Ommer, B (2021). Stochastic Image-to-Video Synthesis usin cINNs. Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)
Esser, P, Rombach, R and Ommer, B (2021). Taming Transformers for High-Resolution Image Synthesis. Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR).
Blattmann, A, Milbich, T, Dorkenwald, M and Ommer, B (2021). Understanding Object Dynamics for Interactive Image-to-Video Synthesis. Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR).
Dorkenwald, M, Büchler, U and Ommer, B (2020). Unsupervised Magnification of Posture Deviations Across Subjects. Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)PDF icon article.pdf (1.15 MB)
Braun, S, Esser, P and Ommer, B (2020). Unsupervised Part Discovery by Unsupervised Disentanglement. Proceedings of the German Conference on Pattern Recognition (GCPR) (Oral). Tübingen.
Kotovenko, D, Sanakoyeu, A, Lang, S, Ma, P and Ommer, B (2019). Using a Transformation Content Block For Image Style Transfer. Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)
Journal Article
Wahl, A - S, Omlor, W, Rubio, J C, Chen, J L, Zheng, H, Schröter, A, Gullo, M, Weinmann, O, Kobayashi, K, Helmchen, F, Ommer, B and Schwab, M E (2014). Asynchronous Therapy Restores Motor Control by Rewiring of the Rat Corticospinal Tract after Stroke. Science. American Association for The Advancement of Science. 344 1250--1255.
Lang, S and Ommer, B (2018). Attesting Similarity: Supporting the Organization and Study of Art Image Collections with Computer Vision. Digital Scholarship in the Humanities, Oxford University Press. 33 845-856
Yarlagadda, P and Ommer, B (2015). Beyond the Sum of Parts: Voting with Groups of Dependent Entities. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence. IEEE. 37 1134--1147.
Dencker, T, Klinkisch, P, Maul, S M and Ommer, B (2020). Deep learning of cuneiform sign detection with weak supervision using transliteration alignment. PLoS ONE. 15.
Sanakoyeu, A, Bautista, M and Ommer, B (2018). Deep Unsupervised Learning of Visual Similarities. Pattern Recognition. 78. PDF icon PDF (8.35 MB)
Wahl, A - S, Erlebach, E, Brattoli, B, Büchler, U, Kaiser, J, Ineichen, V B, Mosberger, A C, Schneeberger, S, Imobersteg, S, Wieckhorst, M, Stirn, M, Schroeter, A, Ommer, B and Schwab, M E (2018). Early reduced behavioral activity induced by large strokes affects the efficiency of enriched environment in rats. Sage Journals. Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow & Metabolism. icon 0271678x18777661.pdf (770.87 KB)
Rubio, J C, Eigenstetter, A and Ommer, B (2015). Generative Regularization with Latent Topics for Discriminative Object Recognition. Pattern Recognition. Elsevier. 48 3871--3880PDF icon Technical Report (5.49 MB)
Sanakoyeu, A, Ma, P, Tschernezki, V and Ommer, B (2021). Improving Deep Metric Learning by Divide and Conquer. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (TPAMI).
Ommer, B and Buhmann, J M (2010). Learning the Compositional Nature of Visual Object Categories for Recognition. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence. IEEE. 32 501--516PDF icon Technical Report (2.78 MB)
Monroy, A, Bell, P and Ommer, B (2014). Morphological Analysis for Investigating Artistic Images. Image and Vision Computing. Elsevier. 32 414--423PDF icon Technical Report (2.86 MB)
Bell, P, Schlecht, J and Ommer, B (2013). Nonverbal Communication in Medieval Illustrations Revisited by Computer Vision and Art History. Visual Resources Journal, Special Issue on Digital Art History. Taylor & Francis. 29 26--37.
Wahl, A - S, Büchler, U, Brändli, A, Brattoli, B, Musall, S, Kasper, H, Ineichen, B V, Helmchen, F, Ommer, B and Schwab, M E (2017). Optogenetically stimulating the intact corticospinal tract post-stroke restores motor control through regionalized functional circuit formation. Nature Communications. (ASW & UB contributed equally; BO and MES contributed equally).
