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Petra, S, Popa, C and Schnörr, C (2009). Accelerating Constrained Sirt With Applications In Tomographic Particle Image Reconstruction. IWR, University of Heidelberg. icon Technical Report (3.33 MB)
Kondermann, C, Kondermann, D, Jähne, B, Garbe, C S, Schnörr, C and Jähne, B (2007). An adaptive confidence measure for optical flows based on linear subspace projections. Proceedings of the 29th DAGM Symposium on Pattern Recognition. Springer. 4713 132--141
Bodnariuc, E, Gurung, A, Petra, S and Schnörr, C (2015). Adaptive Dictionary-Based Spatio-temporal Flow Estimation for Echo PIV. Proc.~EMMCVPR. Springer. 8932 378--391PDF icon Technical Report (951.37 KB)
Bodnariuc, E, Gurung, A, Petra, S and Schnörr, C (2015). Adaptive Dictionary-Based Spatio-temporal Flow Estimation for Echo PIV. EMMCVPR
Hinterberger, W, Scherzer, O, Schnörr, C and Weickert, J (2002). Analysis of Optical Flow Models in the Framework of Calculus of Variations. Numer. Funct. Anal. Optimiz. 23 69–89
Gianniotis, N, Schnörr, C, Molkenthin, C and Bora, S S (2015). Approximate variational inference based on a finite sample of Gaussian latent variables. Patt.~Anal.~ApplPDF icon Technical Report (1.4 MB)
Petra, S and Schnörr, C (2014). Average Case Recovery Analysis of Tomographic Compressive Sensing. Linear Algebra and its Applications. 441 168-198PDF icon Technical Report (1.85 MB)
Weber, S, Nagy, A, Schüle, T, Schnörr, C and Kuba, A (2006). A Benchmark Evaluation of Large-Scale Optimization Approaches to Binary Tomography. Discrete Geometry for Computer Imagery (DGCI 2006). Springer. 4245 146-156PDF icon Technical Report (301.1 KB)
Weber, S, Schüle, T, Schnörr, C and Kuba, A (2006). Binary Tomography with Deblurring. Combinatorial Image Analysis. Springer. 4040 375-388PDF icon Technical Report (803.63 KB)
Petra, S, Schnörr, C, Becker, F and Lenzen, F (2013). B-SMART: Bregman-Based First-Order Algorithms for Non-Negative Compressed Sensing Problems. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Scale Space and Variational Methods in Computer Vision SSVM. 110-124
Petra, S, Schnörr, C, Becker, F and Lenzen, F (2013). B-SMART: Bregman-Based First-Order Algorithms for Non-Negative Compressed Sensing Problems. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Scale Space and Variational Methods in Computer Vision (SSVM) 2013. Springer. 7893 110-124PDF icon Technical Report (1.15 MB)
Kappes, J H, Savchynskyy, B and Schnörr, C (2012). A Bundle Approach To Efficient MAP-Inference by Lagrangian Relaxation. CVPR. Proceedings. 1688-1695
Kappes, J H, Savchynskyy, B and Schnörr, C (2012). A Bundle Approach To Efficient MAP-Inference by Lagrangian Relaxation. CVPRPDF icon Technical Report (430.63 KB)
Lenzen, F, Becker, F, Lellmann, J, Petra, S and Schnörr, C (2013). A Class of Quasi-Variational Inequalities for Adaptive Image Denoising and Decomposition. Computational Optimization and Applications (COAP). 54 (2) 371-398
Lenzen, F, Becker, F, Lellmann, J, Petra, S and Schnörr, C (2013). A class of quasi-variational inequalities for adaptive image denoising and decomposition. Computational Optimization and Applications. Springer Netherlands. 54 371-398. icon Technical Report (748.66 KB)
Breitenreicher, D, Lellmann, J and Schnörr, C (2013). COAL: a generic modelling and prototyping framework for convex optimization problems of variational image analysis. Optimization Methods and Software. 28 1081-1094. icon Technical Report (1.69 MB)
Bruhn, A, Weickert, J and Schnörr, C (2002). Combining the Advantages of Local and Global Optic Flow Methods. Pattern Recognition, Proc. 24th DAGM Symposium. Springer, Zürich, Switzerland. 2449 454–462
Kappes, J H, Andres, B, Hamprecht, F A, Schnörr, C, Nowozin, S, Batra, D, Sungwoong, K, Kausler, B X, Lellmann, J, Komodakis, N and Rother, C (2013). A Comparative Study of Modern Inference Techniques for Discrete Energy Minimization Problems. CVPR 2013. ProceedingsPDF icon Technical Report (1.35 MB)
Kappes, J H, Andres, B, Hamprecht, F A, Schnörr, C, Nowozin, S, Batra, D, Kim, S, Kausler, B X, Lellmann, J, Komodakis, N and Rother, C (2013). A Comparative Study of Modern Inference Techniques for Discrete Energy Minimization Problem. CVPRPDF icon Technical Report (1.35 MB)
Kappes, J H, Andres, B, Hamprecht, F A, Schnörr, C, Nowozin, S, Batra, D, Kim, S, Kausler, B X, Kröger, T, Lellmann, J, Komodakis, N, Savchynskyy, B and Rother, C (2014). A Comparative Study of Modern Inference Techniques for Structured Discrete Energy Minimization Problems. CoRR.
Kappes, J H, Andres, B, Hamprecht, F A, Schnörr, C, Nowozin, S, Batra, D, Kim, S, Kausler, B X, Kröger, T, Lellmann, J, Komodakis, N, Savchynskyy, B and Rother, C (2015). A Comparative Study of Modern Inference Techniques for Structured Discrete Energy Minimization Problems. International Journal of Computer Vision. 115 155–184.
Kappes, J H, Andres, B, Hamprecht, F A, Schnörr, C, Nowozin, S, Batra, D, Kim, S, Kausler, B X, Kröger, T, Lellmann, J, Komodakis, N, Savchynskyy, B and Rother, C (2015). A Comparative Study of Modern Inference Techniques for Structured Discrete Energy Minimization Problems. International Journal of Computer Vision. 115 155–184
Kappes, J H, Andres, B, Hamprecht, F A, Schnörr, C, Nowozin, S, Batra, D, Kim, S, Kausler, B X, Kröger, T, Lellmann, J, Komodakis, N, Savchynskyy, B and Rother, C (2014). A Comparative Study of Modern Inference Techniques for Structured Discrete Energy Minimization Problems. CoRR. abs/1404.0533. icon Technical Report (3.32 MB)
Kappes, J H, Andres, B, Hamprecht, F A, Schnörr, C, Nowozin, S, Batra, D, Kim, S, Kausler, B X, Kröger, T, Lellmann, J, Komodakis, N, Savchynskyy, B and Rother, C (2015). A Comparative Study of Modern Inference Techniques for Structured Discrete Energy Minimization Problems. Int.~J.~Comp.~VisionPDF icon Technical Report (5.12 MB)
Kappes, J H, Andres, B, Hamprecht, F A, Schnörr, C, Nowozin, S, Batra, D, Kim, S, Kausler, B X, Kröger, T, Lellmann, J, Komodakis, N, Savchynskyy, B and Rother, C (2015). A Comparative Study of Modern Inference Techniques for Structured Discrete Energy Minimization Problems. International Journal of Computer Vision. 115 155–184
Kappes, J H, Andres, B, Hamprecht, F A, Schnörr, C, Nowozin, S, Batra, D, Kim, S, Kausler, B X, Kröger, T, Lellmann, J, Komodakis, N, Savchynskyy, B and Rother, C (2015). A Comparative Study of Modern Inference Techniques for Structured Discrete Energy Minimization Problems. International Journal of Computer Vision. 1-30PDF icon Technical Report (1.5 MB)
Rathke, F and Schnörr, C (2015). A Computational Approach to Log-Concave Density Estimation. An. St. Univ. Ovidius Constanta. 23 151-166
Rathke, F and Schnörr, C (2015). A Computational Approach to Log-Concave Density Estimation. An. St. Univ. Ovidius Constanta. 23 151-166PDF icon Technical Report (1.07 MB)
Fundana, K, Heyden, A, Gosch, C and Schnörr, C (2008). Continuous Graph Cuts for Prior-Based Object Segmentation. 19th Int.~Conf.~Patt.~Recog.~(ICPR). 1--4PDF icon Technical Report (414.89 KB)
Lellmann, J and Schnörr, C (2011). Continuous Multiclass Labeling Approaches and Algorithms. SIAM J.~Imag.~Sci. 4 1049-1096PDF icon Technical Report (4.31 MB)
Schmitzer, B and Schnörr, C (2013). Contour Manifolds and Optimal Transport
Heiler, M and Schnörr, C (2006). Controlling Sparseness in Non-negative Tensor Factorization. Computer Vision -- ECCV 2006. Springer. 3951 56-67PDF icon Technical Report (568.86 KB)
Yuan, J, Schnörr, C and Steidl, G (2009). Convex Hodge Decomposition and Regularization of Image Flows. J.~Math.~Imag.~Vision. 33 169-177PDF icon Technical Report (1003.75 KB)
