Vijayan, A, Tofanelli, R, Strauss, S, Cerrone, L, Wolny, A, Strohmeier, J, Kreshuk, A, Hamprecht, F A, Smith, R S and Schneitz, K (2021).
A Digital 3D Reference Atlas Reveals Cellular Growth Patterns Shaping the Arabidopsis Ovule.
eLife 2019
Berg, S, Kutra, D, Kroeger, T, Straehle, C N, Kausler, B X, Haubold, C, Schiegg, M, Ales, J, Beier, T, Rudy, M, Eren, K, Cervantes, J I, Xu, B, Beuttenmüller, F, Wolny, A, Zhang, C, Köthe, U, Hamprecht, F A and Kreshuk, A (2019).
ilastik: interactive machine learning for (bio)image analysis.
Nature Methods.
16 1226-1232
Kirschbaum, E, Haußmann, M, Wolf, S, Sonntag, H, Schneider, J, Elzoheiry, S, Kann, O, Durstewitz, D and Hamprecht, F A (2019).
LeMoNADe: Learned Motif and Neuronal Assembly Detection in calcium imaging videos.
ICLR. Proceedings 2018
Hehn, T and Hamprecht, F A (2018).
End-to-end Learning of Deterministic Decision Trees.
German Conference on Pattern Recognition. Proceedings. Springer.
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Technical Report (1.4 MB) Wolf, S, Pape, C, Bailoni, A, Rahaman, N, Kreshuk, A, Köthe, U and Hamprecht, F A (2018).
The Mutex Watershed: Efficient, Parameter-Free Image Partitioning.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics).
11208 LNCS 571–587. Wolf, S, Pape, C, Bailoni, A, Rahaman, N, Kreshuk, A, Köthe, U and Hamprecht, F A (2018).
The Mutex Watershed: Efficient, Parameter-Free Image Partitioning.
ECCV. Proceedings. Springer. 571-587
Rahaman, N, Arpit, D, Baratin, A, Draxler, F, Lin, M, Hamprecht, F A, Bengio, Y and Courville, A (2018).
On the spectral bias of deep neural networks.
arXiv preprint arXiv:1806.08734 2017
Beier, T, Pape, C, Rahaman, N, Prange, T, Berg, S, Bock, D, Cardona, A, Knott, G W, Plaza, S M, Scheffer, L K, Köthe, U, Kreshuk, A and Hamprecht, F A (2017).
Multicut brings automated neurite segmentation closer to human performance.
Nature Methods.
14 101-102. Krasowki, N, Beier, T, Knott, G W, Köthe, U, Hamprecht, F A and Kreshuk, A (2017).
Neuron Segmentation with High-Level Biological Priors.
IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging.
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Nature Methods.
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Technical Report (4.24 MB) Peter, S, Kirschbaum, E, Both, M, Campbell, L A, Harvey, B K, Heins, C, Durstewitz, D, Diego, F and Hamprecht, F A (2017).
Sparse convolutional coding for neuronal assembly detection.
NIPS, poster Haußmann, M, Hamprecht, F A and Kandemir, M (2017).
Variational Bayesian Multiple Instance Learning with Gaussian Processes.
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR). 6570-6579
Technical Report (1.29 MB) 2016
von Borstel, M, Kandemir, M, Schmidt, P, Rao, M, Rajamani, K and Hamprecht, F A (2016).
Gaussian process density counting from weak supervision.
ECCV. Proceedings. Springer.
LNCS 9905 365-380
Technical Report (1.71 MB) Haubold, C, Schiegg, M, Kreshuk, A, Berg, S, Köthe, U and Hamprecht, F A (2016).
Segmenting and Tracking Multiple Dividing Targets Using ilastik.
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Technical Report (4.46 MB) Kandemir, M, Haußmann, M, Diego, F, Rajamani, K, van der Laak, J and Hamprecht, F A (2016).
Variational weakly-supervised Gaussian processes.
BMVC. Proceedings
Technical Report (3.28 MB) Kleesiek, J, Petersen, J, Döring, M, Maier-Hein, K, Köthe, U, Wick, W, Hamprecht, F A, Bendszus, M and Biller, A (2016).
Virtual Raters for Reproducible and Objective Assessments in Radiology.
Nature Scientific Reports.
Technical Report (2.81 MB) 2015
Kreshuk, A, Walecki, R, Köthe, U, Gierthmühlen, M, Plachta, D, Genoud, C, Haastert-Talini, K and Hamprecht, F A (2015).
Automated Tracing of Myelinated Axons and Detection of the Nodes of Ranvier in Serial Images of Peripheral Nerves.
Journal of Microscopy.
259 (2) 143-154