Prof. Dr. Björn Ommer

I have accepted a chair at the University of Munich. Please see my new website. My Machine Vision & Learning group's current teaching within the Computer Science department of LMU can be found there.
Full Professor for Computer Vision

Heidelberg Collaboratory for Image Processing (HCI) &
Interdisciplinary Center for Scientific Computing (IWR),
Heidelberg University

Mathematikon (INF 205), Room 4.321
HCI / IWR, Uni Heidelberg
D-69120 Heidelberg, Germany
Tel.(office): +49 6221/54-14806
Tel.(secret.): +49 6221/54-14807
Fax: +49 6221/54-14814
Email: ommer (at) uni-heidelberg (dot) de

Open PhD and PostDoc Positions in Computer Vision

Brief C.V.

Björn Ommer is a full professor for Scientific Computing and leads the Computer Vision Group at Heidelberg University.

He has studied computer science together with physics as a minor subject at the University of Bonn, Germany. His diploma (~M.Sc.) thesis focused on visual grouping based on perceptual organization and compositionality.

After that he pursued his doctoral studies at ETH Zurich Switzerland in the Pattern Analysis and Machine Learning Group headed by Joachim M. Buhmann. He received his Ph.D. degree from ETH Zurich in 2007 for his dissertation "Learning the Compositional Nature of Objects for Visual Recognition" which was awarded the ETH Medal.

Thereafter, Björn held a post-doc position in the Computer Vision Group of Jitendra Malik at UC Berkeley.

He serves as an associate editor for the journal IEEE T-PAMI and previously for Pattern Recognition Letters. Björn is one of the directors of the HCI and of the IWR, part of the ELLIS unit Heidelberg, principle investigator in the research training group 1653 ("Spatio/Temporal Graphical Models and Applications in Image Analysis"), and a member of the executive board and scientific committee of the Heidelberg Graduate School HGS MathComp. He has served as Area Chair for ICCV'21, CVPR'20, and ECCV'18 and organized the 2011 DAGM Workshop on Unsolved Problems in Pattern Recognition.

Research Interests

Computer vision, machine learning, cognitive science, biomedical image analysis, and the digital humanities; esp.:
semantic scene understanding, visual synthesis and interpretable AI, deep learning & self-supervision, deep metric and representation learning, object recognition in images and videos, behavior analysis, and their interdisciplinary applications.

»» Research pages


Main publications' list »» Publications of the Ommer lab



Esser, P, Sutter, E and Ommer, B (2018). A Variational U-Net for Conditional Appearance and Shape Generation. Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) (short Oral).
Ghori, O, Mackowiak, R, Bautista, M, Beuter, N, Drumond, L, Diego, F and Ommer, B (2018). Learning to Forecast Pedestrian Intention from Pose Dynamics. Intelligent Vehicles, IEEE, 2018
Büchler, U, Brattoli, B and Ommer, B (2018). Improving Spatiotemporal Self-Supervision by Deep Reinforcement Learning. Proceedings of the European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV). (UB and BB contributed equally), Munich, GermanyPDF icon Article (5.34 MB)PDF icon buechler_eccv18_poster.pdf (1.65 MB)
Sanakoyeu, A, Kotovenko, D, Lang, S and Ommer, B (2018). A Style-Aware Content Loss for Real-time HD Style Transfer. Proceedings of the European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV) (Oral)
Sayed, N, Brattoli, B and Ommer, B (2018). Cross and Learn: Cross-Modal Self-Supervision. German Conference on Pattern Recognition (GCPR) (Oral). Stuttgart, Germany. icon Article (891.47 KB)PDF icon Oral slides (9.17 MB)
Blum, O, Brattoli, B and Ommer, B (2018). X-GAN: Improving Generative Adversarial Networks with ConveX Combinations. German Conference on Pattern Recognition (GCPR) (Oral). Stuttgart, GermanyPDF icon Article (6.65 MB)PDF icon Supplementary material (7.96 MB)PDF icon Oral slides (14.96 MB)
Esser, P, Haux, J, Milbich, T and Ommer, B (2018). Towards Learning a Realistic Rendering of Human Behavior. European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV - HBUGEN)
Lang, S and Ommer, B (2018). Reflecting on How Artworks Are Processed and Analyzed by Computer Vision. European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV - VISART). Springer
Sanakoyeu, A, Bautista, M and Ommer, B (2018). Deep Unsupervised Learning of Visual Similarities. Pattern Recognition. 78. PDF icon PDF (8.35 MB)
Lang, S and Ommer, B (2018). Attesting Similarity: Supporting the Organization and Study of Art Image Collections with Computer Vision. Digital Scholarship in the Humanities, Oxford University Press. 33 845-856
Wahl, A - S, Erlebach, E, Brattoli, B, Büchler, U, Kaiser, J, Ineichen, V B, Mosberger, A C, Schneeberger, S, Imobersteg, S, Wieckhorst, M, Stirn, M, Schroeter, A, Ommer, B and Schwab, M E (2018). Early reduced behavioral activity induced by large strokes affects the efficiency of enriched environment in rats. Sage Journals. Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow & Metabolism. icon 0271678x18777661.pdf (770.87 KB)
Lang, S and Ommer, B (2018). Reconstructing Histories: Analyzing Exhibition Photographs with Computational Methods. Arts, Computational Aesthetics. 7, 64PDF icon arts-07-00064.pdf (4.6 MB)


Ufer, N and Ommer, B (2017). Deep Semantic Feature Matching. Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)PDF icon article (8.88 MB)
Brattoli, B, Büchler, U, Wahl, A - S, Schwab, M E and Ommer, B (2017). LSTM Self-Supervision for Detailed Behavior Analysis. Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR). (BB and UB contributed equally)PDF icon Article (8.75 MB)
Milbich, T, Bautista, M, Sutter, E and Ommer, B (2017). Unsupervised Video Understanding by Reconciliation of Posture Similarities. Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV).
Sümer, Ö, Dencker, T and Ommer, B (2017). Self-supervised Learning of Pose Embeddings from Spatiotemporal Relations in Videos. Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV)PDF icon Paper (3.98 MB)PDF icon Supplementary Material (3.36 MB)
Bautista, M, Sanakoyeu, A and Ommer, B (2017). Deep Unsupervised Similarity Learning using Partially Ordered Sets. The IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)PDF icon deep_unsupervised_similarity_learning_cvpr_2017_paper.pdf (905.82 KB)
Bautista, M, Fuchs, P and Ommer, B (2017). Learning Where to Drive by Watching Others. Proceedings of the German Conference Pattern Recognition. Springer-Verlag, Basel. 1
Wahl, A - S, Büchler, U, Brändli, A, Brattoli, B, Musall, S, Kasper, H, Ineichen, B V, Helmchen, F, Ommer, B and Schwab, M E (2017). Optogenetically stimulating the intact corticospinal tract post-stroke restores motor control through regionalized functional circuit formation. Nature Communications. (ASW & UB contributed equally; BO and MES contributed equally).


Bell, P and Ommer, B (2016). Digital Connoisseur? How Computer Vision Supports Art History. Connoisseurship nel XXI secolo. Approcci, Limiti, Prospettive, A. Aggujaro & S. Albl (ed.). Artemide, Rome
Bautista, M, Sanakoyeu, A, Sutter, E and Ommer, B (2016). CliqueCNN: Deep Unsupervised Exemplar Learning. Proceedings of the Conference on Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS). MIT Press, Barcelona. icon Article (5.79 MB)


Antic, B, Büchler, U, Wahl, A - S, Schwab, M E and Ommer, B (2015). Spatiotemporal Parsing of Motor Kinematics for Assessing Stroke Recovery. Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention. SpringerPDF icon Article (2.24 MB)
Rubio, J C and Ommer, B (2015). Regularizing Max-Margin Exemplars by Reconstruction and Generative Models. Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition. IEEE. 4213--4221PDF icon Technical Report (2.8 MB)
Antic, B and Ommer, B (2015). Per-Sample Kernel Adaptation for Visual Recognition and Grouping. Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision. IEEEPDF icon Technical Report (1.58 MB)
Rubio, J C, Eigenstetter, A and Ommer, B (2015). Generative Regularization with Latent Topics for Discriminative Object Recognition. Pattern Recognition. Elsevier. 48 3871--3880PDF icon Technical Report (5.49 MB)
Yarlagadda, P and Ommer, B (2015). Beyond the Sum of Parts: Voting with Groups of Dependent Entities. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence. IEEE. 37 1134--1147.
Bell, P and Ommer, B (2015). Training Argus. Kunstchronik. Monatsschrift für Kunstwissenschaft, Museumswesen und Denkmalpflege. Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte. 68 414--420
Antic, B and Ommer, B (2015). Spatio-temporal Video Parsing for Abnormality Detection. arXiv. abs/1502.06235. icon Technical Report (4.61 MB)


Takami, M, Bell, P and Ommer, B (2014). An Approach to Large Scale Interactive Retrieval of Cultural Heritage. Eurographics Workshop on Graphics and Cultural Heritage. The Eurographics AssociationPDF icon Technical Report (7.94 MB)
Takami, M, Bell, P and Ommer, B (2014). Offline Learning of Prototypical Negatives for Efficient Online Exemplar SVM. Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision. IEEE. 377--384.
Kandemir, M, Rubio, J C, Schmidt, U, Wojek, C, Welbl, J, Ommer, B and Hamprecht, F A (2014). Event Detection by Feature Unpredictability in Phase-Contrast Videos of Cell Cultures. Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention. Springer. 154--161PDF icon Technical Report (2 MB)
Antic, B and Ommer, B (2014). Learning Latent Constituents for Recognition of Group Activities in Video. Proceedings of the European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV) (Oral). Springer. 33--47PDF icon Technical Report (4.54 MB)
Eigenstetter, A, Takami, M and Ommer, B (2014). Randomized Max-Margin Compositions for Visual Recognition. Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition. IEEE. 3590--3597PDF icon Technical Report (8.01 MB)
Kandemir, M, Rubio, J C, Schmidt, U, Welbl, J, Ommer, B and Hamprecht, F A (2014). Event Detection by Feature Unpredictability in Phase-Contrast Videos of Cell Cultures. MICCAI. Proceedings. Springer. 154-161PDF icon Paper (2 MB)
Monroy, A, Bell, P and Ommer, B (2014). Morphological Analysis for Investigating Artistic Images. Image and Vision Computing. Elsevier. 32 414--423PDF icon Technical Report (2.86 MB)
Wahl, A - S, Omlor, W, Rubio, J C, Chen, J L, Zheng, H, Schröter, A, Gullo, M, Weinmann, O, Kobayashi, K, Helmchen, F, Ommer, B and Schwab, M E (2014). Asynchronous Therapy Restores Motor Control by Rewiring of the Rat Corticospinal Tract after Stroke. Science. American Association for The Advancement of Science. 344 1250--1255.


Ommer, B (2013). The Role of Shape in Visual Recognition. Shape Perception in Human Computer Vision: An Interdisciplinary Perspective. Springer. 373--385PDF icon Technical Report (8.18 MB)
Garbe, C S and Ommer, B (2013). Parameter Estimation in Image Processing and Computer Vision. Model Based Parameter Estimation: Theory and Applications. Springer. 311--334PDF icon Technical Report (928 KB)
Yarlagadda, P, Monroy, A, Carque, B and Ommer, B (2013). Towards a Computer-based Understanding of Medieval Images. Scientific Computing & Cultural Heritage. Springer. 89--97.
Antic, B, Milbich, T and Ommer, B (2013). Less is More: Video Trimming for Action Recognition. Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision, Workshop on Understanding Human Activities: Context and Interaction. IEEE. 515--521PDF icon Technical Report (984.89 KB)


Selected Reports and Publications in Popular Science

"Das Objekt jenseits der Digitalisierung“, Deutsches Museum, 12/2018, The Future of the Digital Humanities beyond Digitization.

"Der Geist aus dem Computer“, Bild der Wissenschaft, 10/2018, covering part of our work in the digital humanities.

AI Learned How To Generate Human Appearance, Video on Two-Minute-Papers about our CVPR'18 paper on disentangling human behavior and appearance.

Painter AI Fools Art Historians, Video on Two-Minute-Papers about our ECCV'18 paper on artistic style transfer.

Improving Stroke Treatment Through Machine Learning, report on interdisciplinary project with neuroscientists from ETH Zurich.

Improving Motor Skills after Stroke, report on interdisciplinary project with neuroscientists from ETH Zurich.

TV documentary on our interdisciplinary work featured by RNF Television.

Björn Ommer, Bilder im Chaos, in: Universitas 68(810): 46-55, 2013.

Björn Ommer, From Chaos to Image - The Grammar of Patterns, in: Ruperto Carola Magazine, 03/2013.

Björn Ommer, Vom Pixel zum Bild - Wie Computer das Sehen lernen und die Forschungsarbeiten von Geistes- und Naturwissenschaftlern unterstützen können, in: Ruperto Carola Magazine, 02/2011.

Image Recognition: Teaching Computers to See, in: Young Talents -Innovative Ideas - Viable Alliances, 2011.

Automatische Bildanalyse - Blinde Computer sollen sehen lernen, in: Spiegel Online news report, 22.07.2011.

Dem Computer das Sehen beibringen, in: Rhein-Neckar-Zeitung newspaper article, 19.04.2010.


Teaching Website @ University of Munich(current), Teaching Website @ Heidelberg University(outdated)


Björn's new website @ University of Munich

Machine Vision & Learning Group: New website of the Ommer lab @ University of Munich

HCI @ Uni Heidelberg

Computer Vision Group @ UC Berkeley

Institute for Machine Learning @ ETH Zurich