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Straehle, C N, Kandemir, M, Köthe, U and Hamprecht, F A (2014). Multiple instance learning with response-optimized random forests. ICPR. Proceedings. 3768 - 3773PDF icon Technical Report (296.66 KB)
Menze, B H, Petrich, W and Hamprecht, F A (2007). Multivariate feature selection and hierarchical classification for infrared spectroscopy: serum-based detection of bovine spongiform encephalopathy. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry. 387 1801-1807PDF icon Technical Report (283.47 KB)
Hanselmann, M, Köthe, U, Renard, B Y, Kirchner, M, Heeren, R M A and Hamprecht, F A (2009). Multivariate Watershed Segmentation of Compositional Data. Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Discrete Geometry for Computer Imagery (DGCI), in press. Springer. 5810 180-192PDF icon Technical Report (1.25 MB)
Wolf, S, Pape, C, Bailoni, A, Rahaman, N, Kreshuk, A, Köthe, U and Hamprecht, F A (2018). The Mutex Watershed: Efficient, Parameter-Free Image Partitioning. ECCV. Proceedings. Springer. 571-587
Wolf, S, Pape, C, Bailoni, A, Rahaman, N, Kreshuk, A, Köthe, U and Hamprecht, F A (2018). The Mutex Watershed: Efficient, Parameter-Free Image Partitioning. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics). 11208 LNCS 571–587.
Ulman, V, Maška, M, Magnusson, K E G, Ronneberger, O, Haubold, C, Harder, N, Matula, P, Matula, P, Svoboda, D, Radojevic, M, Smal, I, Rohr, K, Jaldén, J, Blau, H M, Dzyubachyk, O, Lelieveldt, B, Xiao, P, Li, Y, Cho, S - Y, Dufour, A, Olivo-Marin, J C, Reyes-Aldasoro, C C, Solis-Lemus, J A, Bensch, R, Brox, T, Stegmaier, J, Mikut, R, Wolf, S, Hamprecht, F A, Esteves, T, Quelhas, P, Demirel, Ö, Malström, L, Jug, F, Tomančák, P, Meijering, E, Muñoz-Barrutia, A, Kozubek, M and Ortiz-de-Solorzano, C (2017). An Objective Comparison of Cell Tracking Algorithms. Nature Methods. 14 1141-1152PDF icon Technical Report (4.24 MB)
Kaster, F O, Kassemeyer, S, Merkel, B, Nix, O and Hamprecht, F A (2010). An object-oriented library for systematic training and comparison of classifiers for computer-assisted tumor diagnosis from MRSI measurements. Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin 2010 -- Algorithmen, Systeme, Anwendungen. Springer. 97-101PDF icon Technical Report (1.12 MB)
Kaster, F O, Merkel, B, Nix, O and Hamprecht, F A (2011). An object-oriented library for systematic training and comparison of classifiers for computer-assisted tumor diagnosis from MRSI measurements. Computer Science - Research and Development. 26 65-85PDF icon Technical Report (808.16 KB)
Menze, B H, Kelm, B Michael, Splitthoff, N, Köthe, U and Hamprecht, F A (2011). On oblique random forests. European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases 2011. Proceedings. Springer. 453-469PDF icon Technical Report (665.33 KB)
Horvát, E - A, Hanselmann, M, Hamprecht, F A and Zweig, K A (2012). One plus one makes three (for social networks). PLoS ONE. 4,7
Menze, B H, Lichy, M P, Bachert, P, Kelm, B Michael, Schlemmer, H P and Hamprecht, F A (2006). Optimal Classification of Long Echo Time in vivo Magnetic Resonance Spectra in the Detection of Recurrent Brain Tumor. NMR in Biomedicine. 19 599-609PDF icon Technical Report (289.77 KB)
Künsch, H R, Agrell, E and Hamprecht, F A (2005). Optimal lattices for sampling. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory. 51 634-647
Renard, B Y, Xu, B, Kirchner, M, Zickmann, F, Winter, D, Korten, S, Brattig, N, Tzur, A, Hamprecht, F A and Steen, H (2012). Overcoming species boundaries in peptide identification with BICEPS. Molecular and Cellular Proteomics. 11PDF icon Technical Report (444.6 KB)
Yarkony, J, Beier, T, Baldi, P and Hamprecht, F A (2014). Parallel Multicut Segmentation via Dual Decomposition. New Frontiers in Mining Complex Patterns - Third International Workshop, {NFMCP} 2014, Held in Conjunction with {ECML-PKDD} 2014, Nancy, France, September 19, 2014, Revised Selected Papers.
(2007). Pattern Recognition – 29th DAGM Symposium. LCNS. Springer. 4713
(2007). Pattern Recognition, 29Th Dagm Symposium, Heidelberg, Germany, September 12-14, 2007, Proceedings. Springer
Schnörr, C and Jähne, B (2007). Pattern Recognition, 29th DAGM Symposium, Heidelberg, Germany, September 12-14. Springer. 4713
Hamprecht, F A, Jost, D, Rüttimann, M, Calamai, F and Kowalski, J J (2001). Preliminary results on the prediction of countershock success with fibrillation power. Resuscitation. 50 297-299
Jäger, M and Hamprecht, F A (2008). Principal Component Imagery for the Quality Monitoring of Dynamic Laser Welding Processes. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics. 56:4 1307-1313
Andres, B, Kappes, J H, Beier, T, Köthe, U and Hamprecht, F A (2011). Probabilistic Image Segmentation with Closedness Constraints. ICCV, Proceedings. 2611 - 2618PDF icon Technical Report (8.18 MB)
Andres, B, Kappes, J H, Beier, T, Köthe, U and Hamprecht, F A (2011). Probabilistic Image Segmentation with Closedness Constraints. Proceedings of ICCVPDF icon Technical Report (2.95 MB)
Andres, B, Kappes, J H, Beier, T, Köthe, U and Hamprecht, F A (2011). Probabilistic Image Segmentation with Closedness Constraints. Proceedings of ICCV
Görlitz, L, Menze, B H, Kelm, B Michael and Hamprecht, F A (2009). Processing Spectral Data. Surface and Interface Analysis. 41 636-644PDF icon Technical Report (4.17 MB)
Schiegg, M, Heuer, B, Haubold, C, Wolf, S, Köthe, U and Hamprecht, F A (2015). Proof-reading Guidance in Cell Tracking by Sampling from Tracking-by-assignment Models. ISBI. Proceedings. 394-398PDF icon Technical Report (648.55 KB)
